Processing withdrawals of PCTs

Date Published

When a PCT application or Demand has been withdrawn for a task that is assigned, the PCT Unit will contact the assigned examiner to alert them about the withdrawal. 

Processing withdrawal of a PCT application

  1. Open the PCT task in the RIO for Patents Workbench. 
    NOTE: upon opening the RIO PCT task for the withdrawn application, a Stale Data warning will appear, notifying that the application’s status has changed to ‘Withdrawn’. 
  2. Process a withdrawn application in the Workbench using the option in the hamburger menu. Please contact PMI on the RIO for Patents - Chat Support (Teams channel), for any assistance
  3. Process the refund 

Processing withdrawal of a Demand 

This process has not yet been built into the Workbench for examiners to complete themselves. 

If you need to process a withdrawal of a Demand, please contact PMI on the RIO for Patents - Chat Support (Teams channel), letting them know the application number and that you require manual processing of withdrawal for a Demand.