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Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
43.1. What is assignment and transmission?

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23.5. Specific evidence requirements for trade marks with no inherent adaptation to distinguish

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18.1. Introduction

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32A.1. Introduction

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Annex A7 - How to supply evidence of use of a trade mark under subsection 41(3) - for trade marks with a filing date on or after 15 April 2013

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Annex A5 - How to supply evidence of use of a Trade Mark under subsection 41(6) - for trade marks with a filing date prior to 15 April 2013

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17.3. Period of deferment

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60.4.25 Transformation

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60.4.24 Change in Ownership of an International Registration

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Annex A6 - How to supply evidence of use of a trade mark under subsection 41(4) - for trade marks with a filing date on or after 15 April 2013

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35. Relevant Legislation

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32A. Annex 5 - Case Law Summaries

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13.6. Examples of Valid Series Trade Marks

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17.2. Circumstances under which deferments will be granted

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29.3. Deception and confusion as a result of a connotation within a trade mark

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10. Annex A1 - Abbreviations of types of companies recognised as bodies corporate

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17.4. The deferment process where the applicant requests deferment

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30.2. Scandalous signs

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26. Annex A1 - Citing multiple names

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