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Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
54. Annex A2 - Format of a summons to witness

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44.6. Cancelling the record of a claim

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20.3. Definition of sign

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24.1. What is a disclaimer?

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35.10. Assignment of unregistered certification trade marks

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35.4. The registrability of certification trade marks

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60.4.8 Reporting on an IRDA

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17.1. Deferment of Acceptance - Introduction

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31.5. Other information relevant to examining trade marks that contain a prohibited and prescribed sign

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60.4.11 Deferment of Acceptance

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24.6. Revocation of disclaimers

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14. Annex A1 - History of the classification system

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60.4.12 Extension of Time

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9. Relevant Legislation

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39.7. Registration process

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11.4. Convention documents

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38.1. What is revocation of acceptance?

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60.2.6 Renewal

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54. Annex A1 - Consequences of mishandling a subpoena

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11.5. Cases where multiple priority dates apply

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