Recent updates

Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
7.4. Procedure for withdrawal of an application to register a trade mark

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.25 Transformation

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.16 Extension of Time to File Notice of Opposition to Protection

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.18 Protection

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

49.1 Application for removal or cessation of protection of a trade mark for non-use

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.20 Cessation of Protection because of Non-Use

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.22 Renewal

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

60.4.17 Opposition to Protection

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

48.3. Opposition to a non-use application

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

46.3. When registration or protection can be opposed

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

55.3. Applications for an award of costs

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

51.9. Period in which a trade mark can be registered/protected

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

49.2. Opposition to non-use application

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

54.1. Subpoenas

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

47.1. Filing a notice of opposition

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

44.4. Recording the claim

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

44.5. Amending the record of a claim

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

43.4. Process for assigning all goods and/or services (full assignment)

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

44.6. Cancelling the record of a claim

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

43.2. Timing for assignment

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

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