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6.9.2 International Online Specialists

Date Published

Some examination sections designate a particular examiner as being their “primary searcher”, whilst other sections do not utilize a primary searcher, but rather all examiners in the section, or at least those with the acceptance delegation, are familiar with all procedures relating to international and on-line searching.  Where an examiner requires on-line searching expertise for a technology outside their section, they should approach the supervising examiner, or a senior examiner, of the other section to ascertain an appropriate source of that expertise.

A primary searcher is responsible for providing advice on the section's international search strategies and on-line database searching, and normally does the bulk of the advisory work. The primary searcher is also responsible, particularly when going on leave, for ensuring that a designated back-up searcher is familiar with all procedures relating to international and on-line searching in the section.

The back-up searcher acts for the primary searcher when the latter is not available. The back-up should be an experienced searcher and should be familiar with all procedures relating to international and on-line database searching in the sub-section.

Amended Reasons

Amended Reason Date Amended

Published for testing

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