Recent updates

Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
20.8. Convention priority: Relevance of the basic application to examination

Manual review 2024 - No changes

20.7. Convention priority: Requesting the basic application

Manual review 2024 - no changes

20.6. Convention priority: Basic application

Manual review 2024 - No changes

20.2. Convention priority: Convention countries

Manual review 2024 no changes

20.3. Convention priority: Time limit to claim convention priority

Manual review 2024 no changes

20.4. Convention priority: Assessing convention priority claims

Manual review 2024 - Minor change

20.5. Convention priority for excluded designs and applications that include more than one design

Manual review 2024 - No changes

20.1. Convention priority: overview

Manual review 2024 no changes

20. Convention priority

Manual review 2024 no changes

21.5. Satisfied: ‘Not satisfied’

Manual review 2024 - no changes

21.4. Satisfied: Reasonable doubt, balance of probabilities and uncertainty

Manual review 2024 minor changes

21.3. Satisfied: ‘Satisfied’ as to prior art base

Manual review 2024 - minor changes

21.2. Satisfied: Meaning of ‘satisfied’

Manual review 2023 minor changes to wording.

21.1. Satisfied: overview

Manual review 2024

21. Satisfied

Manual review 2024

16.3. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Declarations about the familiar person / informed user

Manual review 2024 - Minor changes

16.4. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Familiarity with the product

Manual review 2024. No changes

16.5. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: References to European and UK decisions

Manual review 2024

16.6. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Knowledge base versus prior art base

Manual review 2024

16. Standard of the familiar person / informed user

Manual review 2024

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