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Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
16.4. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Familiarity with the product
16.3. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Declarations about the familiar person / informed user
16.2. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: Identifying the familiar person / informed user
16.1. Standard of the familiar person / informed user: overview
15.4. Statement of newness and distinctiveness: Using the SoND to assess distinctiveness
15.3. Statement of newness and distinctiveness: Amendments to the SoND
15.2. Statement of newness and distinctiveness: Formalities assessment of the SoND
15.1. Statement of newness and distinctiveness: overview
14.7. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: Familiar person / Informed user
14.6. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: Freedom of the creator of the design to innovate
14.5. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: Amount, quality and importance
14.4. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: Statement of newness and distinctiveness
14.3. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: State of development of the prior art base
14.2. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: Similarities and differences
14.1. Section 19 requirements for distinctiveness: overview
13.9. Assessing newness and distinctiveness: Searching
13.8. Assessing newness and distinctiveness: Other visual features
13.7. Assessing newness and distinctiveness: How the design is displayed
13.6. Assessing newness and distinctiveness: Substantially similar in overall impression
13.5. Assessing newness and distinctiveness: Test for distinctiveness
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