Part 1.1. Introduction

Date Published

Part Published: 25 February 2025


Trade Marks Act 1995

Trade Mark Regulations 1995

The Australian Trade Marks Manual of Practice and Procedures (the Manual) was originally developed to assist staff in implementing the provisions of the Trade Marks Act 1995 (the Act) and the Regulations (the Regulations).  The Manual was first issued in January 1996.

As part of our ongoing commitment to customer service, the Manual is available on IP Australia's internet site.

The Manual made available on the IP Australia website is the official controlled record of examination practice and procedures. The home page outlines when updates to the manual have occurred, which parts have been updated, and provides a brief summary of the changes.  This information may be useful to those who hold a paper copy of the Manual and wish to know whether they have the most recent version of a particular part of the Manual. 


While all care has been taken in preparing and publishing this Manual's contents, associated links, and linked legislation, the Commonwealth, the Director General, the staff of IP Australia accept no responsibility for any error or omission in the Manual's contents, associated links, or linked legislation, or their consequences, including any damage or loss which may be incurred as a result of reliance on the accuracy, currency or completeness of the Manual's contents, associated links or linked legislation. Access to and use of the Manual's contents, associated links, and linked legislation is provided subject to and conditional upon acceptance of the terms of this disclaimer. 

Amended Reasons

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Page renamed.
Links updated.

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