15.7. Review of the Registrar's decision

Date Published

Review of a Registrar's decision not to extend time for the doing of a relevant act may be sought from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) (subsection 224(7)).


If the Registrar makes a decision not to extend the time, either on the basis of consideration of the application for an extension of time, or as a result of an opposition to that extension, as described above, the applicant for the extension may apply to the AAT to have the decision reviewed.


If there has been opposition and the Registrar allows the extension of time, the unsuccessful opponent to an extension of time of more than three months does not have a statutory right of appeal under the Trade Marks Act 1995 but may seek a review of the decision in the Federal Court under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (the AD(JR) Act).

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