- Home
- Part 1 Introduction, Quality
- Part 1. Introduction
- Part 1.2. Quality Management and Examination Quality Standards
- Part 1.3. Practice Change Procedure
- Part 2 General Filing Requirements
- Part 2. Landinig Page
- Part 2.1. How a document is filed
- Part 2.2. Filing of Documents - requirements as to form
- Part 2.3. Non-compliance with filing requirements
- Part 2.4. Filing Process (excluding filing of applications for registration)
- Part 3 Filing Requirements for a Trade Mark Application
- Part 3. Relevant Legislation
- Part 3.1. Who may apply?
- Part 3.2. Form of the application
- Part 3.3. Information required in the application
- Part 3.4. When is an application taken to have been filed?
- Part 3.5. The minimum filing requirements
- Part 3.6. Consequences of non compliance with minimum filing requirements
- Part 3.7. Other filing requirements
- Part 3.8. Fees
- Part 3.9. Process procedures for non payment or underpayment of the appropriate fee
- Part 3.10. Process procedures for the filing of a trade mark application
- Part 4 Fees
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Fees - general
- 2. Circumstances in which fees are refunded or waived
- 3. Procedures for dealing with "fee" correspondence
- 4. Underpayments
- 5. Refunds and or waivers
- 6. No fee paid
- 7. Electronic transfers
- 8. Disputed credit card payments/Dishonoured cheques
- Part 5 Data Capture and Indexing
- Part 6 Expedited Examination
- Part 7 Withdrawal of Applications, Notices and Requests
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Withdrawal of an application, notice or request
- 2. Who can withdraw an application, notice or request?
- 3. Procedure for withdrawal of an application, notice or request
- 4. Procedure for withdrawal of an application to register a trade mark
- Part 8 Amalgamation (Linking) of Trade Marks
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Amalgamation of applications for Registration (Transitional)
- 2. Amalgamation (Linking) of Trade Marks under the Trade Marks Amendment Act 2006
- Part 9 Amendments and Changes to Name and Address
- Part 9. Landing Page
- Part 9. 1. Introduction
- Part 9. 2. Amendment of an application for a registration of a trade mark - general information
- Part 9. 3. Amendment before particulars of an application are published (Section 64)
- Part 9. 4. Amendment after particulars of an application have been published (Sections 63, 65 and 65A)
- Part 9. 5. Amendments to other documents
- Part 9. 6. Amendments after registration
- Part 9. 7. Changes of name, address and address for service
- Part 9. 8. Process for amendments under subsection 63(1)
- Part 10 Details of Formality Requirements
- Relevant Legislation
- Introduction
- 1. Formality requirements - Name
- 2. Formality requirements - Identity
- 3. Representation of the Trade Mark - General
- 4. Translation/transliteration of Non-English words and non-Roman characters
- 5. Specification of goods and/or services
- 6. Address for service
- 7. Signature
- 8. Complying with formality requirements
- Annex A1 - Abbreviations of types of companies recognised as bodies corporate
- Annex A2 - Identity of the applicant
- Part 11 Convention Applications
- Part 11. Landing Page
- Part 11.1. Applications in Australia (convention applications) where the applicant claims a right of priority
- Part 11.2. Making a claim for priority
- Part 11.3. Examination of applications claiming convention priority
- Part 11.4. Convention documents
- Part 11.5. Cases where multiple priority dates apply
- Part 11.6. Recording the claim
- Part 11.7. Effect on registration of a claim for priority based on an earlier application
- Part 12 Divisional Applications
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Divisional applications - general
- 2. Why file a divisional application?
- 3. Conditions for a valid divisional application filed on or after 27 March 2007
- 4. In whose name may a divisional application be filed?
- 5. Convention claims and divisional applications
- 6. Can a divisional application be based on a parent application which is itself a divisional application? What is the filing date in this situation?
- 7. Can the divisional details be deleted from a valid divisional application?
- 8. Divisional applications and late citations - additional fifteen months
- 9. Divisional Applications and the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Act 2012
- Annex A1 Divisional Checklist
- Part 13 Application to Register a Series of Trade Marks
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Series of Trade Marks - Act
- 2. Material Particulars
- 3. Provisions of Paragraphs 51(1)(a),(b) and (c)
- 4. Applying Requirements for Material Particulars and Provisions of Paragraphs 51(1)(a), (b) and (c)
- 5. Restrict to Accord
- 6. Examples of Valid Series Trade Marks
- 7. Examples of Invalid Series Trade Marks
- 8. Divisional Applications from Series
- 9. Linking of Series Applications
- 10. Colour Endorsements
- Part 14 Classification of Goods and Services
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. The purpose of classification
- 2. The classification system
- 3. Requirement for a clear specification and for correct classification
- 4. Classification procedures in examination
- 5. Principles of classification and finding the correct class for specific items
- 6. Wording of the specification
- 7. Interpretation of specifications
- 8. International Convention Documents
- Annex A1 - History of the classification system
- Annex A2 - Principles of classification
- Annex A3 - Registered words which are not acceptable in specifications of goods and services
- Annex A4 - Searching the NICE classification
- Annex A5 - Using the Trade Marks Classification Search
- Annex A6 - Cross search classes - pre-June 2000
- Annex A7 - Cross search classes - June 2000 to December 2001
- Annex A8 - Cross search classes from 1 January 2002
- Annex A9 - Cross search classes from November 2005
- Annex A10 - Cross search classes from March 2007
- Annex A11 - Cross search classes from January 2012
- Annex A12 - Cross search classes from January 2015
- Annex A13 - List of terms too broad for classification
- Part 15 General Provision for Extensions of Time
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. When the general provision applies
- 2. When the general provision does not apply
- 3. Circumstances in which the Registrar must extend time
- 4. Grounds on which the Registrar may grant an extension of time
- 5. Form of the application
- 6. Extensions of time of more than three months
- 7. Review of the Registrar's decision
- Part 16 Time Limits for Acceptance of an Application for Registration
- Part 16. Landing Page
- Part 16.1. What are the time limits for acceptance of an application to register a trade mark?
- Part 16.2. Response to an examination report received within four (or less) weeks of lapsing date
- Part 17 Deferment of Acceptance
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Deferment of Acceptance - introduction
- 2. Circumstances under which deferments will be granted
- 3. Period of deferment
- 4. The deferment process where the applicant has requested deferment
- 5. The deferment process where the Registrar may grant deferment on his or her own initiative
- 6. Termination of deferment
- 7. Transitional practice
- Annex A1 - Deferment of acceptance date - Grounds and time limits
- Part 18 Finalisation of Application for Registration
- Part 18. Landing Page
- Part 18.1. Introduction
- Part 18.2. Accepting an application for registration
- Part 18.3. Rejection of an application for registration
- Part 19A Use of a Trade Mark
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Use of a trade mark generally
- 2. Use 'as a trade mark'
- 3. Use 'in the course of trade'
- 4. Australian Use
- 5. Use 'in relation to goods or services'
- 6. Use by the trade mark owner, predecessor in title or an authorised user
- 7. Use of a trade mark with additions or alterations
- 8. Use of multiple trade marks
- Part 19B Rights Given by Registration of a Trade Mark
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. The trade mark as property
- 2. What rights are given by trade mark registration?
- 3. Rights of an authorised user of a registered trade mark
- 4. The right to take infringement action
- 5. Loss of exclusive rights
- Part 20 Definition of a Trade Mark and Presumption of Registrability
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Definition of a trade mark
- 2. Background to definition of a trade mark
- 3. Definition of sign
- 4. Presumption of registrability
- 5. Grounds for rejection and the presumption of registrability
- Part 21 Non-traditional Signs
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Non-traditional signs
- 2. Representing non-traditional signs
- 3. Shape (three-dimensional) trade marks
- 4. Colour and coloured trade marks
- 5. "Sensory" trade marks - sounds and scents
- 6. Sound (auditory) trade marks
- 7. Scent trade marks
- 8. Composite trade marks - combinations of shapes, colours, words etc
- 9. Moving images, holograms and gestures
- 10. Other kinds of non-traditional signs
- Part 22 Section 41 - Capable of Distinguishing
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Registrability under section 41 of the Trade Marks Act 1995
- 2. Presumption of registrability
- 3. Inherent adaptation to distinguish
- 4. Trade marks considered sufficiently inherently capable of distinguishing
- 5. Trade marks that have limited inherent capacity to distinguish but are not prima facie capable of distinguishing
- 6. Trade marks having no inherent adaptation to distinguish
- 7. Examination
- Registrability of Various Kinds of Signs
- 8. Letters
- 9. Words
- 10. Phonetic equivalents, misspellings and combinations of known words
- 11. Words in Languages other than English
- 12. Slogans, phrases and multiple words
- 13. Common formats for trade marks
- 14. New terminology and "fashionable" words
- 15. Geographical names
- 16. Surnames
- 17. Name of a person
- 18. Summary of examination practice in relation to names
- 19. Corporate names
- 20. Titles of well known books, novels, stories, plays, films, stage shows, songs and musical works
- 21. Titles of other books or media
- 22. Numerals
- 23. Combinations of letters and numerals
- 24. Trade marks for pharmaceutical or veterinary substances
- 25. Devices
- 26. Composite trade marks
- 27. Trade marks that include plant varietal name
- Annex A1 Section 41 prior to Raising the Bar
- Annex A2 Flowchart of "Capable of Distinguishing"
- Part 23 Overcoming Grounds for Rejection under Section 41 - including Evidence of Use
- Part 23. Landing Page
- Part 23.1. Introduction
- Part 23.2 Submissions in rebuttal, amendments and informal information
- Part 23.3 Evidence of use - general requirements
- Part 23.4 Examining evidence - general
- Part 23.5 Specific evidence requirements for trade marks with no inherent adaptation to distinguish
- Part 23.6 Endorsements for applications overcoming section 41 grounds for rejection
- Part 23. Annex A1 - Information for applicants on the preparation and presentation of a declaration including model layout
- Part 23. Annex A2 - Model layout for statutory declaration/affidavit
- Part 23. Annex A3 - Model layout for supporting statutory declaration
- Annex A4 - How to supply evidence of use of a Trade Mark under subsection 41(5) - for trade marks with a filing date prior to 15 April 2013
- Annex A5 - How to supply evidence for use of a Trade Mark under subsection 41(6) - for trade marks with a filing date prior to 15 April 2013
- Annex A6 - How to supply evidence of use of a trade mark under subsection 41(4) - for trade marks with a filing date on or after 15 April 2013
- Annex A7 - How to supply evidence of use of a trade mark under subsection 41(3) - for trade marks with a filing date on or after 15 April 2013
- Part 24 Disclaimers
- Part 24. Landing Page
- Part 24.1. What is a disclaimer?
- Part 24.2. Request for a voluntary disclaimer
- Part 24.3. Effect of a disclaimer on registration
- Part 24.4. Effect of a disclaimer on examination
- Part 24.5. Amendment of disclaimers
- Part 24.6. Revocation of disclaimers
- Part 26 Section 44 and Regulation 4.15A - Conflict with Other Signs
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Introduction to section 44 and regulation 4.15A
- 2. Presumption of registrability and the application of section 44
- 3. Cross Class Search List
- 4. Similarity of goods and services
- 5. Similarity of trade marks
- 6. Factors to consider when comparing trade marks
- 7. Trade marks with the same priority/filing date
- 8. Assignment of applications and registrations
- 9. Grounds for rejection when the citation is in its renewal period
- Annex A1 - Citing multiple names
- Part 27 Overcoming Grounds for Rejection under Section 44
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Introduction
- 3. Amending the goods and/or services of the applicant's specification
- 4. Negotiation with owner/s of conflicting trade mark/s
- 5. Filing evidence of honest concurrent use, prior use or other circumstances
- 6. Removal of the conflicting trade mark
- 7. Dividing the application
- Annex A1 - An example of a letter of consent
- 2. Legal submissions
- Part 28 Honest Concurrent Use, Prior Use or Other Circumstances
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Honest concurrent use - paragraph 44(3)(a)
- 3. Examining evidence of honest concurrent use - the five criteria
- 4. Other circumstances - paragraph 44(3)(b)
- 5. Conditions and limitations to applications proceeding under subsection 44(3)
- 6. Prior use - subsection 44(4)
- 7. Examining evidence of prior use
- 8. Endorsements where the provisions of subsection 44(3) or 44(4) and/or reg 4.15A are applied
- Annex A1 - Information sheet for trade mark applicants - Evidence of honest and concurrent, prior use or other circumstances
- Part 29 Section 43 - Trade Marks likely to Deceive or Cause Confusion
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Trade marks likely to deceive or cause confusion
- 2. Connotation
- 3. Deception and confusion as a result of a connotation within a trade mark
- 4. Descriptions of goods/services
- 5. International Non-Proprietary Names and INN Stems
- 6. Names of Persons
- 7. Phonewords and Phone Numbers
- 8. Internet Domain Names
- 9. Geographical References
- 10. Claims to Indigenous Origin
- Annex A1 - Table of INN stems
- Part 30 Signs that are Scandalous and Use Contrary to Law
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scandalous signs
- 3. Use contrary to law
- Annex A1 - Examples of Legislation which may trigger the provisions of section 42(b)
- Annex A2 - Official notice re copyright in the Aboriginal Flag
- Annex A3 - Defence force prohibited terms and emblems
- Annex A4 - Major Sporting Events protected words
- Part 31 Prescribed and Prohibited Signs
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Prohibited signs - subsection 39(1)
- 2. Prescribed signs - subsection 39(2)
- 3. When does a ground for rejection exist under subsection 39(2)?
- 4. Practice regarding the signs prescribed under subsection 39(2) appearing in subreg 4.15
- 5. Other information relevant to examining trade marks that contain a prohibited and prescribed sign
- Part 32A Examination of Trade Marks for Plants (in Class 31)
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Examination of Plant Trade Marks
- 2.1 Section 42: Contrary to Law
- 2.2 Section 39: Prescribed Signs
- 2.3 Section 41: Capacity to Distinguish
- 2.4 Section 43: Deception and Confusion
- 2.5 Section 44: Comparison of Trade Marks
- 2.6 Non-Roman characters (NRC) and transliterations in class 31 plant examination
- Annex 1 - Applicable Section of the PBR Act
- Annex 2 - Applicable Sections of the UPOV Convention
- Annex 3 - Applicable Sections of the ICNCP
- Annex 4 - An Example of a PBR Letter of Consent
- Annex 5 - Case Law Summaries
- Annex 6 - How to Supply Evidence of Use of a Trade Mark for Plants and/or Plant Material
- Part 32B Examination of Trade Marks for Wines (in Class 33)
- Part 32B: Landing Page
- Part 32B.1. Introduction
- Part 32B.2. Examination of Wine Trade Marks
- Part 32B.2.1 Section 42: Contrary to Law
- Part 32B.2.2 Section 43: Deception and Confusion
- Part 32B.2.3 Section 41: Capacity to Distinguish
- Part 32B.2.4 Section 44: Comparison of Trade Marks
- Part 32B.3. Protected Terms in Specifications of Goods
- Part 33 Collective Trade Marks
- Part 33. Landing Page
- Part 33.1. What is a collective trademark?
- Part 33.2. Application of Act
- Part 33.3. Application for registration
- Part 33.4. Limitation on rights given by registered collective trade marks
- Part 33.5. Assignment or transmission of collective trade marks
- Part 33.6. Infringement of collective trade marks
- Part 34 Defensive Trade Marks
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Australian trade marks law and defensive trade marks
- 2. Requirements for the filing of a defensive trade mark
- 3. Section of the Act NOT applying to defensive trade marks
- 4. Registrability of defensive trade marks
- 5. Grounds for rejection under Division 2 of Part 4 of the Act
- 6. Grounds for rejecting a defensive application under section 187
- 7. Evidence required for defensive applications
- 8. Rights given by defensive registration
- 9. Grounds for opposing a defensive registration
- 10. Cancellation of defensive trade marks
- Part 35 Certification Trade Marks
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. What is a certification trade mark?
- 2. Certification trade marks and geographical indications (GIs)
- 3. Sections of the Act NOT applying to certification trade marks
- 4. The registrability of certification trade marks
- 5. Rights given by, and rules governing the use of, certification trade marks
- 6. Assessment by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- 7. Opposition to the registration of a certification trade mark
- 8. Variation of rules
- 9. Assignment of registered certification trade marks
- 10. Assignment of unregistered certification trade marks
- 11. Transmission of certification trade marks
- 12. Rectification of the Register and variation of rules by order of the court
- Annex A1 - Certification Trade Marks flow chart
- Part 38 Revocation of Acceptance
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. What is revocation of acceptance?
- 2. Reasons for revocation
- 3. Revocation process
- Part 39 Registration of a Trade Mark
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Overview of registration
- 2. Particulars of registration
- 3. Format of Certificate of registration
- 4. Timing
- 5. Date and term of registration
- 6. Registration fees
- 7. Registration process
- 8. Notification of Protection process for International Registrations Designating Australia
- Annex A1 - Certificate of Registration
- Part 40 Renewal of Registration
- Part 40. Landing Page
- Part 40.1. What is renewal?
- Part 40.2. Timing for renewal
- Part 40.3. Late renewal
- Part 40.4. Failure to renew
- Part 41 Cancellation of Registration
- Part 41. Landing Page
- Part 41.1. What is the effect of cancelling a registration?
- Part 41.2. Why is a registration cancelled?
- Part 41.3. Cancellation process
- Part 42 Rectification of the Register
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. What is rectification?
- 2. What part does the Registrar play in rectification actions brought by a person aggrieved?
- 3. Rectification procedures
- Annex A1 - Flow chart of rectification procedure
- Part 43 Assignment and Transmission
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. What is assignment and transmission?
- 2. Timing for assignment
- 3. Application to record assignment etc
- 4. Process for assigning all goods and/or services (full assignment)
- 5. Process for assigning only some goods and/or services (partial assignment)
- 6. Process for assignment of certification trade marks
- 7. Transmission of certification trade marks
- Part 44 Claim of Interest or Rights in a Trade Mark
- Part 44. Landing Page
- Part 44.1. Background
- Part 44.2. Effect of recording the claim
- Part 44.3. When can the interest be recorded?
- Part 44.4. Recording the claim
- Part 44.5. Amending the record of a claim
- Part 44.6. Cancelling the record of a claim
- Part 45 Copies of Documents
- Part 45. Landing Page
- Part 45.1. Documents copied by the Office
- Part 45.2. Types of document copies and delivery dispatch
- Annex A1 - Flow chart of production of copies/certified copies
- Part 46 Grounds for Opposition to Registration or Protection
- Relevant Legislation
- References used in this part
- 1. What is opposition to registration or protection?
- 2. The Registrar’s role in an opposition
- 3. When registration or protection can be opposed
- 4. Grounds for opposition to registration of national trade marks
- 5. Grounds for opposition to protection of international trade marks
- Part 47 Procedures for Opposing Registration or Protection
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Filing a notice of opposition
- 2. Request to amend a notice of intention to oppose or a statement of grounds and particulars
- 3. Filing a notice of intention to defend
- 4. Opposition may proceed in the name of another person
- 5. Making Convention documents available to opponent
- Part 48 Removal of a Trade Mark from the Register for Non-use
- Relevant legislation
- References used in this part
- 1. What if a trade mark is not used?
- 2. Application for removal/cessation of protection for non-use
- 3. Opposition to a non-use application
- 4. Application for extension of time to oppose the non-use application where the trade mark is already removed
- 5. Grounds on which a non-use application may be made
- 6. Burden on opponent to establish use of a trade mark
- 7. Authorised use by another person
- 8. Use by an assignee
- 9. Localised use of trade mark
- 10. Circumstances that were an obstacle to the use of a trade mark
- 11. Where there is no evidence in support of the opposition
- 12. Registrar's discretion in deciding an opposed non-use application
- 13. Registrar to comply with order of court
- 14. Right of appeal
- 15. Certificate - Use of a trade mark
- Part 49 Non-use Procedures
- Relevant legislation
- 1. Application for removal or cessation of protection of a trade mark for non-use
- 2. Opposition to non-use application
- 3. Amendment to notice of intention to oppose or statement of grounds and particulars
- 4. Notice of intention to defend
- 5. Opposition may proceed in the name of another person
- 6. Opposition proceedings
- Part 51 General Opposition Proceedings
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Evidence
- 2. Extension of the period for filing evidence
- 3. Cooling-Off Period
- 4. Suspensions
- 5. Hearing of the opposition
- 6. Dismissal or discontinuance of proceedings
- 7. Award of costs
- 8. Rights of appeal
- 9. Period in which a trade mark can be registered/protected
- 10. Guidelines for Revocation of Acceptance of Opposed trade marks
- 11. Unilateral Communications with Hearing Officers
- Part 52 Hearings, Decisions, Reasons and Appeals
- Relevant Legislation
- References used in this Part
- 1. What is a decision?
- 2. What is a hearing?
- 3. Is a hearing always necessary?
- 4. Role and powers of the Registrar in hearings
- 5. Rights of appeal from decisions of the Registrar
- 6. Appeals from decisions of the Federal Court etc.
- 7. Implementation of decisions
- 8. Service of documents on the Registrar
- Part 54 Subpoenas, Summonses and Production of Documents
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Subpoenas
- 2. Summonsing a witness
- 3. Production of documents
- Annex A1 - Consequences of mishandling a subpoena
- Annex A2 - Format of a summons to witness
- Annex A3 - Format of notice requiring production
- Part 55 Costs
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Legislative Basis
- 2. Award of costs
- 3. Applications for an award of costs
- 4. Determination of the amount of costs
- 5. Full costs where certificate of use of a trade mark provided to removal applicant
- 6. Costs recovery
- 7. Security for costs
- Annex A1 - Taxing of costs in "multiple" oppositions relying on same evidence
- Part 60 The Madrid Protocol
- Relevant Legislation
- Glossary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. International Applications
- 2.1 General Description
- 2.2 International Application Form
- 2.3 Data Entry
- 2.4 Certifying Process
- 2.5 Fees for International Applications
- 2.6 Renewal
- 3. The Basic Application or Basic Registration (Basic Trade Mark)
- 4. International Registrations that have Designated Australia
- 4.1 General Description
- 4.2 Record of International Registrations
- 4.3 Filing/Data Capture/Allocation of Australian Trade Mark Number
- 4.4 Indexing
- 4.5 Expedite
- 4.6 Classification of Goods and Services
- 4.7 Examination of an IRDA
- 4.8 Reporting on an IRDA
- 4.9 Provisional Refusal
- 4.10 Amendments
- 4.11 Deferment of Acceptance
- 4.12 Extension of Time
- 4.13 Final Decision on Provisional Refusal Based on Examination
- 4.14 Acceptance
- 4.15 Revocation of Acceptance
- 4.16 Extension of Time to File Notice of Opposition to Protection
- 4.17 Opposition to Protection
- 4.18 Protection
- 4.19 Cessation or Limitation of Protection
- 4.20 Cessation of Protection because of Non-Use
- 4.21 Opposition to Cessation of Protection because of Non-Use
- 4.22 Renewal
- 4.23 Claim to Interest in, or Right in Respect of a Trade Mark
- 4.24 Change in Ownership of an International Registration
- 4.25 Transformation
- 4.26 Replacement
- 4.27 Customs
- Part 61 Availability of Documents
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. Availability of Documents
- 2. Accessing Documents
- 3. Documents to be made Available for Public Inspection (API)
- 4. Information that the Registrar of Trade Marks will Not Accept in Confidence
- 5. Confidential Information in Correspondence
- 6. Policy in relation to TM Headstart
- Part 62 Revocation of Registration
- Relevant Legislation
- 1. What is revocation of registration?
- 2. Prerequisites to revocation of registration
- 3. Factors to be taken into account before deciding whether revocation of registration is reasonable
- 4. Circumstances under which registration may be revoked
- 5. Mandatory revocation
- 6. Right of appeal: revocation of registration
- 7. Extension of time
- 8. Amendment or cessation of protection by Registrar of Protected International Trade Marks (PITMs)
- 9. Registrar must notify Customs if protection of a PITM is revoked
- 10. Right of appeal: cessation of protection
14. Annex A13 List of terms too broad for classification
Date Published
Vague term | Suggested alternatives |
Actuators | Class 7: Hydraulic actuators |
Class 9: Actuators, electric | |
Class 12: Pneumatic or hydraulic linear actuators for land vehicles | |
Adhesive | Class 1: Industrial adhesives |
Class 3: Adhesives for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Adhesives for medical use | |
Class 16: Adhesives for office purposes | |
Class 17: Insulating adhesives | |
Adhesives | Class 1: Industrial adhesives |
Class 3: Adhesives for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Adhesives for dental purposes | |
Class 16: Adhesives for stationery or household purposes | |
Advisory services | Class 35: Business advisory services |
Class 36: Advisory services relating to finance | |
Class 37: Advisory services relating to construction | |
Class 38: Advisory services relating to telecommunications | |
Class 39: Advisory services relating to transport | |
Class 41: Advisory services relating to education | |
Class 42: Advisory services relating to computer programming | |
Class 44: Medical advisory services | |
Class 45: Advisory services relating to the law | |
Advocacy | Class 35: Commercial advocacy (promoting, publicising or otherwise representing the interests or concerns of others) |
Class 45: Legal advocacy services | |
Aged care | Class 43: Aged care services (accommodation) |
Class 44: Aged care services (medical and nursing services) | |
Agency services | Class 35: Recruitment agency services |
Class 36: Real estate agency services | |
Class 39: Travel agency services for arranging travel | |
Class 41: Ticket agency services (entertainment) | |
Class 43: Travel agency services for booking accommodation | |
Class 45: Dating agency services | |
Alcohol | Class 1: Alcohol for industrial purposes |
Class 4: Alcohol for use as fuel | |
Class 5: Medicinal alcohol | |
Class 33: Alcoholic beverages | |
Alloy | Class 5: Dental alloys |
Class 6: Alloys of common metal | |
Class 14: Alloys of precious metal | |
Alloys | Class 5: Dental alloys |
Class 6: Alloys of common metal | |
Class 14: Alloys of precious metal | |
Analysis | Class 35: Cost analysis |
Class 36: Financial analysis | |
Class 42: Scientific analysis | |
Class 44: Medical analysis services | |
Apparatus | Class 6: Metal scaffolding apparatus |
Class 7: Powered lifting apparatus | |
Class 12: Apparatus for locomotion by land | |
Class 14: Chronometric apparatus | |
Class 20: Display apparatus in the nature of furniture | |
Appliances | Class 7: Mechanical washing appliances |
Class 8: Electric and non-electric appliances for removal of body hair | |
Class 9: Appliances for communication | |
Class 10: Massage appliances | |
Class 11: Cooking appliances | |
Class 16: Office appliances (other than furniture) | |
Class 21: Non-electric domestic appliances | |
Class 28: Fitness exercise appliances | |
Applicators | Class 7: Label applicator machines, other than for office use |
Class 10: Applicators for medications | |
Class 16: Paint applicators in the nature of sponges | |
Class 21: Cosmetics applicators | |
Appraisal | Class 35: Business appraisals |
Class 36: Financial appraisals | |
Appraisals | Class 35: Business appraisals |
Class 36: Financial appraisals | |
Aprons | Class 7: Aprons [parts of machines] |
Class 8: Tool aprons | |
Class 25: Aprons (clothing) | |
Art | Class 6: Metal works of art (common metal) |
Class 6: Metal works of art (bronze) | |
Class 14: Works of art of precious metal | |
Class 16: Works of art (paintings) | |
Class 19: Works of art of stone, concrete or marble | |
Class 20: Works of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Class 21: Works of art, of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware, terra-cotta or glass | |
Artworks | Class 6: Wrought iron artworks |
Class 16: Printed artworks | |
Class 19: Artworks of marble | |
Class 21: Artworks of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Artwork | Class 6: Wrought iron artworks |
Class 16: Printed artworks | |
Class 19: Artworks of marble | |
Class 21: Artworks of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Association services | Class 41: Educational and entertainment services provided by an association to its members |
Class 45: Association services (providing legal representation or legal advice to members of the association) | |
Auditing | Class 35: Auditing of accounts |
Class 42: Energy auditing | |
Class 45: Legal compliance auditing | |
Badges | Class 6: Badges of metal for vehicles |
Class 14: Badges of precious metal | |
Class 16: Name badges [office requisites] | |
Class 26: Badges for wear, not of precious metal | |
Balm | Class 3: Skin care balms, other than for medical use |
Class 5: Medicated balms | |
Balms | Class 3: Skin care balms, other than for medical use |
Class 5: Medicated balms | |
Bandages | Class 5: Bandages for dressings |
Class 10: Bandages for support purposes | |
Bands | Class 2: Anti-corrosive bands |
Class 5: Adhesive bands for medical purposes | |
Class 6: Bands of metal for tying-up purposes | |
Class 10: Acupressure bands | |
Class 12: Bands for wheel hubs | |
Class 14: Bands for watches | |
Class 16: Elastic bands for office use | |
Class 17: Adhesive bands for industrial purposes | |
Class 22: Wrapping bands, not of metal | |
Class 25: Sweat bands | |
Class 26: Hair bands | |
Class 28: Elastic bands for fitness | |
Barrels | Class 6: Barrels of metal |
Class 13: Gun barrels | |
Class 14: Barrels (clock- and watchmaking) | |
Class 20: Barrels, not of metal | |
Class 28: Barrels for darts | |
Barriers | Class 6: Security barriers of metal |
Class 17: Laminated vapour barriers | |
Class 19: Barriers of non-metallic materials | |
Bars | Class 5: Nutritional supplement protein bars |
Class 6: Bars of common metal | |
Class 8: Crow bars | |
Class 19: Glass bars for building | |
Class 20: Non-metallic shelf bars | |
Class 29: Nut-based snack bars | |
Class 30: Confectionery bars | |
Class 43: Bar services | |
Bases | Class 1: Bases (chemical preparations) |
Class 3: Bases for make-up | |
Class 20: Bed bases | |
Class 21: Bases for plant pots | |
Class 30: Pizza bases | |
Baskets | Class 6: Baskets of common metals |
Class 12: Baskets adapted for bicycles | |
Class 20: Baskets, not of metal | |
Class 21: Baskets for household purposes | |
Beacons | Class 6: Beacons of metal, non-luminous |
Class 9: Beacons, luminous | |
Class 19: Beacons, not of metal, non-luminous | |
Beads | Class 1: Polymer beads for use in manufacture |
Class 3: Bath beads | |
Class 14: Beads for making jewellery | |
Class 26: Beads for trimming | |
Beading | Class 1: Polymer beads for use in manufacture |
Class 3: Bath beads | |
Class 14: Beads for making jewellery | |
Class 26: Beads for trimming | |
Beams | Class 6: Steel beams |
Class 7: Loading beams [parts of machines] | |
Class 19: Beams made of timber | |
Class 20: Beams for display fittings | |
Class 28: Beams (gymnastic apparatus) | |
Bearings | Class 7: Ball bearings for machines |
Class 12: bearings for vehicles | |
Class 6: Belts of metal for handling loads | |
Class 7: Belts for machines | |
Class 8: Tool belts (holders) | |
Class 9: Life belts | |
Class 10: Belts for surgical purposes | |
Class 12: Passenger seat belts | |
Class 13: Belts adapted for ammunition | |
Class 18: Shoulder belts of leather | |
Class 22: Belts, not of metal, for handling loads | |
Class 25: Belts (clothing) | |
Class 28: Belts for weightlifting | |
Belts | Class 6: Belts of metal for handling loads |
Class 7: Belts for machines | |
Class 8: Tool belts (holders) | |
Class 9: Life belts | |
Class 10: Belts for surgical purposes | |
Class 12: Passenger seat belts | |
Class 13: Belts adapted for ammunition | |
Class 18: Shoulder belts of leather | |
Class 22: Belts, not of metal, for handling loads | |
Class 25: Belts (clothing) | |
Class 28: Belts for weightlifting | |
Beverages | Class 5: Medicated beverages |
Class 29: Milk beverages, milk predominating | |
Class 30: Coffee beverages | |
Class 31: Beverages for animals | |
Class 32: Fruit juice beverages | |
Class 33: Alcoholic beverages, except beer | |
Binder | Class 2: Binders for paints |
Class 16: Binders for office use | |
Class 25: Chest binders being underclothing | |
Binders | Class 2: Binders for paints |
Class 16: Binders for office use | |
Class 25: Chest binders being underclothing | |
Binding | Class 6: Bindings of metal |
Class 22: Bindings, not of metal | |
Class 26: Bindings for hemming clothing | |
Class 28: Ski bindings | |
Bindings | Class 6: Bindings of metal |
Class 22: Bindings, not of metal | |
Class 26: Bindings for hemming clothing | |
Class 28: Ski bindings | |
Bins | Class 6: Bins of metal |
Class 19: Street furniture being bins, not of metal | |
Class 20: Bins, not of metal | |
Class 21: Bins for household refuse | |
Bits | Class 7: Drilling bits (parts of machines) |
Class 8: Bits (parts of hand tools) | |
Class 10: Dental drill bits | |
Class 18: Horse bits | |
Blankets | Class 9: Fire blankets |
Class 10: Blankets, electric, for medical purposes | |
Class 10: Blankets, electric, for household purposes | |
Class 17: Soundproofing blankets | |
Class 18: Horse blankets | |
Class 24: Bed blankets | |
Bleach | Class 1: Bleach preparations for industrial purposes |
Class 3: Bleach for household use | |
Blinds | Class 6: Outdoor blinds of metal |
Class 12: Sun blinds adapted for vehicles | |
Class 19: Outdoor blinds, not of metal or of textile | |
Class 20: Indoor blinds | |
Class 22: Outdoor blinds of textile | |
Blocks | Class 6: Paving blocks of metal |
Class 7: Brake blocks for machines | |
Class 8: Sanding blocks | |
Class 9: Earth blocks | |
Class 12: Brake blocks for vehicles | |
Class 19: Cement blocks | |
Class 20: Chopping blocks (tables) | |
Class 28: Toy blocks | |
Class 6: Decking boards of metal | |
Class 8: Emery boards | |
Class 9: Circuit boards | |
Class 12: Self-balancing boards | |
Class 15: Sound boards | |
Class 16: Drawing boards | |
Class 17: Plastic materials, semi-processed, in the form of boards | |
Class 19: Boards of wood | |
Class 20: Display boards | |
Class 21: Cheese boards | |
Class 28: Surf boards | |
Boards | Class 6: Decking boards of metal |
Class 8: Emery boards | |
Class 9: Circuit boards | |
Class 12: Self-balancing boards | |
Class 15: Sound boards | |
Class 16: Drawing boards | |
Class 17: Plastic materials, semi-processed, in the form of boards | |
Class 19: Boards of wood | |
Class 20: Display boards | |
Class 21: Cheese boards | |
Class 28: Surf boards | |
Boarding | Class 6: Construction boarding of metal |
Class 19: Timber boarding | |
Class 43: Animal boarding services | |
Bollards | Class 6: Street furniture being bollards of metal |
Class 11: Lighting bollards | |
Class 19: Street furniture being bollards, not of metal | |
Bolts | Class 6: Bolts of metal |
Class 20: Bolts not of metal | |
Booking services | Class 39: Booking of travel services |
Class 41: Booking of seats for entertainment events | |
Class 43: Booking of hotel accommodation | |
Booms | Class 7: Crop spraying booms |
Class 9: Booms for microphones | |
Class 12: Booms for boats | |
Class 28: Booms for sailboards | |
Booths | Class 6: Paint spraying booths, of metal |
Class 9: Photo booths [mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus] | |
Class 11: Tanning booths | |
Class 19: Paint spraying booths, not of metal | |
Bows | Class 15: Bows for musical instruments |
Class 16: Paper bows for wrapping | |
Class 26: Hair bows | |
Class 28: Bows for archery | |
Boxes | Class 5: First-aid boxes (filled) |
Class 6: Security boxes of metal | |
Class 7: Gear boxes other than for land vehicles | |
Class 8: Mitre boxes (hand tools) | |
Class 9: Switch boxes | |
Class 11: Cool boxes, electric | |
Class 12: Roof boxes for vehicles | |
Class 14: Jewellery boxes | |
Class 15: Music boxes | |
Class 16: Cardboard boxes | |
Class 18: Boxes made of leather | |
Class 19: Letter boxes of masonry | |
Class 20: Plastic boxes for packing | |
Class 21: Boxes made of ceramics | |
Class 26: Boxes for needles | |
Class 28: Fishing tackle boxes | |
Class 34: Match boxes | |
Braces | Class 6: Braces of metal for handling loads |
Class 10: Braces for medical purposes | |
Class 22: Braces, not of metal, for handling loads | |
Class 25: Braces [suspenders] for clothing | |
Brackets | Class 6: Brackets of metal for building |
Class 7: Bearing brackets for machines | |
Class 9: Brackets for setting up flat screen TV sets | |
Class 19: Brackets, not of metal, for building | |
Class 20: Brackets, not of metal, for furniture | |
Brads | Class 6: Brads of metal |
Class 20: Brads, not of metal | |
Bridges | Class 6: Prefabricated metal bridges |
Class 9: Bridges for eyeglass frames | |
Class 10: Dental bridges | |
Class 15: Bridges for musical instruments | |
Class 28: Snooker bridges | |
Buffers | Class 1: Buffer solutions for scientific purposes |
Class 7: Buffers being power tools | |
Class 8: Electric nail buffers | |
Class 17: Shock-absorbing buffers of rubber | |
Business services | Class 35: Business administration services |
Class 36: Investment business services | |
Class 41: Business training services | |
Busts | Class 6: Busts of common metal |
Class 14: Busts of precious metal | |
Class 19: Busts of stone, concrete or marble | |
Class 20: Busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Class 21: Busts made of china | |
Cables | Class 6: Cables of common metal, non-electric |
Class 7: Ignition cables | |
Class 9: Electronic cables | |
Class 11: Electric heating cables | |
Class 12: Brake cables for vehicles | |
Class 22: Cables, not of metal | |
Cabling | Class 6: Cables of metal, non-electric |
Class 7: Ignition cables | |
Class 9: Electrical cables | |
Class 11: Electric heating cables | |
Class 12: Brake cables for vehicles | |
Class 22: Cables, not of metal | |
Cages | Class 6: Cages of metal for animals |
Class 21: Cages for household pets | |
Caging | Class 6: Cages of metal for animals |
Class 21: Cages for household pets | |
Canopies | Class 6: Fixed canopies of metal |
Class 12: Canopies for trailers | |
Class 19: Canopies (structures) of non-metallic materials | |
Class 22: Canopies (awnings) | |
Class 24: Bed canopies | |
Cans | Class 6: Cans of metal |
Class 20: Petrol cans, not of metal | |
Class 21: Garbage cans for household purposes | |
Canvas | Class 16: Canvas for painting |
Class 24: Canvas for tapestry or embroidery | |
Caps | Class 6: Screw caps of metal |
Class 9: Lens caps | |
Class 10: Surgical caps | |
Class 11: Radiator caps | |
Class 12: Caps for vehicle petrol tanks | |
Class 20: Screw caps, not of metal | |
Class 25: Caps being headwear | |
Class 26: Hair colouring caps | |
Class 28: Caps for toy pistols | |
Capsules | Class 5: Capsules sold empty for pharmaceuticals |
Class 9: Life-saving capsules for natural disasters | |
Class 11: Coffee capsules, empty, for electric coffee machines | |
Class 20: Capsules (non-metallic containers) | |
Class 30: Coffee capsules, filled | |
Carbonated drinks | Class 32: non-alcoholic carbonated drinks |
Class 33: Alcoholic carbonated drinks, except beer | |
Carbonated beverages | Class 32: Non-alcoholic carbonated beverages |
Class 33: Alcoholic carbonated beverages, except beer | |
Career services | Class 35: Career counselling (employment advice and information) |
Class 41: Career counselling (education or training advice) | |
Carriers | Class 9: Electronic data carriers |
Class 10: Amalgam carriers | |
Class 12: Roof top carriers for vehicles | |
Class 18: Baby carriers (slings or harnesses) | |
Cases | Class 3: Lipstick cases |
Class 5: Medicine cases (portable) (filled) | |
Class 6: Door cases of metal | |
Class 8: Razor cases | |
Class 9: Cases adapted for sunglasses | |
Class 10: Cases fitted for medical tools | |
Class 12: Roof cases for vehicles | |
Class 13: Gun cases | |
Class 14: Jewellery cases | |
Class 15: Cases for musical instruments | |
Class 16: Pencil cases | |
Class 18: Travelling cases | |
Class 20: Display cases | |
Class 21: Toothbrush cases | |
Class 24: Pillow cases | |
Class 26: Needle cases | |
Class 28: Cases adapted for sporting articles | |
Class 30: Pastry cases | |
Class 34: Cigar cases | |
Casings | Class 6: casings of metal |
Class 11: Casings for lamps | |
Class 12: Casings for pneumatic tyres | |
Class 13: Ammunition casings | |
Class 14: Watch casings | |
Class 19: Non-metallic door casings | |
Class 20: Bottle casings of wood | |
Class 29: Sausage casings | |
Ceramics | Class 5: Ceramics for the construction of dentures |
Class 10: Artificial bone materials of ceramics | |
Class 19: Ceramics for building purposes | |
Class 21: Ceramics for household purposes | |
Chains | Class 6: Chains of metal |
Class 7: Drive chains for machines | |
Class 9: Chains for eyeglasses | |
Class 12: Bicycle chains | |
Class 14: Key chains | |
Chambers | Class 9: Decompression chambers |
Class 10: Chambers for inhalers | |
Class 11: Refrigerating chambers | |
Channels | Class 6: Drain channels of metal |
Class 9: Electric cable channels | |
Class 19: Drain channels, not of metal | |
Charitable services | Class 35: Business management and administration services for charitable purposes |
Class 36: Charitable fund raising | |
Class 37: Construction services for charitable purposes | |
Class 38: Telecommunications services for charitable purposes | |
Class 39: Providing transportation services for charitable purposes | |
Class 40: Recycling services for charitable purposes | |
Class 41: Education and training services for charitable purposes | |
Class 43: Providing food and drink catering services for charitable purposes | |
Class 44: Providing medical services for charitable purposes | |
Charms | Class 14: Jewellery charms |
Class 26: Decorative charms for mobile phones | |
Chemicals | Class 1: Chemicals for industrial use |
Class 3: Colour-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry] | |
Class 5: Chemicals for medical use | |
Chests | Class 6: Chests of metal |
Class 11: Chest freezers | |
Class 20: Chests, not of metal | |
Chips | Class 1: Adhesives for industrial use in the form of chips |
Class 4: Fuel products of pressed wood chips | |
Class 9: Computer chips | |
Class 17: rubber chips for use as a ground covering for playgrounds | |
Class 28: Chips for gambling | |
Class 29: Potato chips | |
Class 30: Corn chips | |
Class 31: Wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp | |
Clamps | Class 6: Clamps of metal |
Class 8: Clamps (for carpenters or coopers) | |
Class 9: Earthing clamps | |
Class 10: Clamps for surgical use | |
Class 20: Clamps, not of metal | |
Clasps | Class 6: Clasps of metal |
Class 14: Clasps for jewellery | |
Class 16: Paper clasps | |
Class 20: Clasps, not of metal | |
Class 26: Belt clasps | |
Cleanser | Class 3: Skin cleanser, non-medicated |
Class 5: Antiseptic cleanser | |
Cleansers | Class 3: Skin cleansers, non-medicated |
Class 5: Antiseptic cleansers | |
Clippers | Class 7: Clippers (machines) |
Class 8: Clippers, hand-operated | |
Clips | Class 6: Cable clips of metal |
Class 10: Clips (surgical) | |
Class 12: Spoke clips for wheels | |
Class 16: Paper clips | |
Class 20: Cable clips, not of metal | |
Class 26: Hair clips | |
Closures | Class 6: Closures of metal |
Class 14: Closures for necklaces | |
Class 20: Closures, not of metal, for containers | |
Club services | Class 41: Club entertainment services |
Class 43: Club services for the provision of food and drink | |
Class 45: Online dating club services | |
Coasters | Class 16: Coasters of cardboard |
Class 21: Coasters, not of paper or textile | |
Class 24: Textile coasters | |
Coatings | Class 1: Chemical coatings for ophthalmic lenses |
Class 2: Coatings (paints) | |
Class 5: Antiviral coatings, other than paints, to treat the growth of viruses on various surfaces | |
Class 17: Insulating coatings | |
Class 19: Coatings (building materials) | |
Collagen | Class 1: Collagen for industrial purposes |
Class 3: Collagen preparations for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Collagen for medical purposes | |
Collars | Class 5: flea collars |
Class 6: Pipe collars of metal | |
Class 9: Electronic collars to train animals | |
Class 18: Collars for animals | |
Class 20: Collars of plastic for fastening pipes | |
Class 25: Collars (clothing) | |
Collection services | Class 35: Collection of data |
Class 36: Collection of debts | |
Class 39: Collection of garbage | |
Columns | Class 6: Columns of metal |
Class 19: Pre-fabricated architectural columns, not of metal | |
Competitions | Class 35: Organising of business competitions |
Class 41: Organisation of sporting competitions | |
Components | Class 6: Fabricated metal components for building foundations |
Class 7: Transmission components, other than for land vehicles | |
Class 9: Components for computers | |
Class 12: Structural components for land vehicles | |
Compressors | Class 7: Air compressors |
Class 10: Compressors (surgical) | |
Computer services | Class 37: Computer support services (advisory and information services in relation to the repair, maintenance and installation of computer hardware and peripherals) |
Class 38: Computer communication services | |
Class 42: Computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) | |
Concentrates | Class 3: Bath concentrates, not medicated |
Class 5: Malt concentrates for pharmaceutical purposes | |
Class 29: Soup concentrates | |
Class 30: Bread concentrates | |
Class 32: Fruit juice concentrates | |
Conditioners | Class 1: Conditioners for the soil |
Class 3: Hair conditioners | |
Class 9: Power line conditioners | |
Class 11: Air conditioners | |
Conduits | Class 6: Metal conduits |
Class 9: Electricity conduits | |
Class 11: Water conduits installations | |
Class 19: Concrete conduits | |
Cones | Class 3: Incense cones |
Class 9: Traffic cones | |
Class 28: Cone markers for sports | |
Class 30: Ice cream cones | |
Class 31: Pine cones | |
Connectors | Class 6: Connectors of metal for pipes |
Class 7: Shaft connectors being machine elements other than for land vehicles | |
Class 9: Electrical connectors | |
Class 17: Non-metallic connectors for pipes | |
Class 20: Structural joint connectors, not of metal | |
Consoles | Class 9: Audio mixing consoles |
Class 20: Consoles (furniture) | |
Class 28: Electronic games consoles | |
Consultancy | Class 35: Business consultancy |
Class 36: Insurance consultancy | |
Class 37: Building construction consultancy | |
Class 38: Communications consultancy | |
Class 39: Travel consultancy | |
Class 40: Dressmaking consultancy | |
Class 41: Training consultancy | |
Class 42: Design consultancy | |
Class 43: Consultancy services relating to food preparation | |
Class 44: Consultancy relating to beauty care | |
Class 45: Intellectual property consultancy | |
Consultancy services | Class 35: Business consultancy |
Class 36: Insurance consultancy | |
Class 37: Building construction consultancy | |
Class 38: Communications consultancy | |
Class 39: Travel consultancy | |
Class 40: Dressmaking consultancy | |
Class 41: Training consultancy | |
Class 42: Design consultancy | |
Class 43: Consultancy services relating to food preparation | |
Class 44: Consultancy relating to beauty care | |
Class 45: Intellectual property consultancy | |
Containers | Class 6: Packaging containers of metal |
Class 8: Containers adapted for razor blades | |
Class 9: Containers for spectacles | |
Class 10: Containers especially made for medical waste | |
Class 11: Refrigerating containers | |
Class 12: Roof rack storage containers for land vehicles | |
Class 16: Containers of cardboard | |
Class 20: Packaging containers made of plastic | |
Class 21: Containers for household or kitchen use | |
Cooking utensils | Class 11: Cooking utensils, electric |
Class 21: Cooking utensils, non-electric | |
Cool boxes | Class 11: Cool boxes, electric |
Class 21: Cool boxes, non-electric | |
Cords | Class 9: Electrical cords |
Class 16: Cords for bookbinding | |
Class 17: Cords of rubber | |
Class 22: Cords of plastics | |
Class 26: Cords for trimming | |
Counselling | Class 35: Employment counselling |
Class 36: Debt counselling services | |
Class 41: Career counselling (education or training advice) | |
Class 44: Psychological counselling | |
Class 45: Bereavement counselling | |
Counselling services | Class 35: Employment counselling services |
Class 36: Debt counselling services | |
Class 41: Career counselling services (education or training advice) | |
Class 44: Psychological counselling services | |
Class 45: Bereavement counselling services | |
Couplings | Class 6: Couplings of metal for chains |
Class 7: Couplings for machines | |
Class 8: Modular couplings for hand-operated tools | |
Class 9: Electrical couplings | |
Class 12: Couplings for land vehicles | |
Class 17: Couplings of rubber for pipes | |
Coverings | Class 6: Coverings of metal for ceilings |
Class 12: Coverings for car seats | |
Class 17: Sound-absorbing wall coverings | |
Class 18: Furniture coverings of leather | |
Class 19: Coverings, not of metal, for ceilings | |
Class 20: Fitted coverings for furniture | |
Class 22: Coverings for windows (outdoor blinds of textile) | |
Class 24: Bed coverings | |
Class 27: Floor coverings | |
Covers | Class 6: Vent covers of metal |
Class 9: Mobile phone covers | |
Class 10: Surgical shoe covers | |
Class 11: Fitted covers for barbecues | |
Class 12: Covers for vehicle seats | |
Class 16: Covers for books | |
Class 18: Luggage covers | |
Class 19: Non-metal manhole covers | |
Class 20: Fitted fabric furniture covers | |
Class 21: Covers for dishes | |
Class 22: Covers for cars, not fitted | |
Class 24: Bed covers | |
Class 28: Shaped covers for skis | |
Cream | Class 3: Cosmetic cream |
Class 5: Medicated cream | |
Class 29: Cream (dairy product) | |
Class 30: Ice cream | |
Creams | Class 3: Cosmetic creams |
Class 5: Medicated creams | |
Class 29: Creams (dairy products) | |
Class 30: Ice creams | |
Crisps | Class 29: Potato crisps |
Class 30: Crisps made of cereals | |
Cultures | Class 1: Bacterial cultures for addition to food products |
Class 5: Cultures of microorganisms for medical use | |
Curry | Class 29: Curry (prepared meals of meat or vegetables) |
Class 30: Curry (spice) | |
Curtains | Class 17: Vinyl welding curtains |
Class 20: Bamboo curtains | |
Class 24: Curtains made of textile materials | |
Cylinders | Class 5: Oxygen cylinders, filled, for medical purposes |
Class 6: Cylinders of metal for gas | |
Class 7: Cylinders being parts of machines | |
Class 12: Brake cylinders for vehicles | |
Class 20: Cylinders, not of metal for gas | |
Data analysis | Class 35: Business data analysis |
Class 36: Financial data analysis | |
Class 42: Technical data analysis services | |
Decorating | Class 41: Party decorating |
Class 42: Interior decorating design | |
Class 43: Cake decorating | |
Class 16: Party decorations made of paper | |
Class 20: Festive decorations of plastic | |
Class 21: Cake decorations of porcelain | |
Class 24: Wall decorations of textile | |
Class 26: Hair decorations | |
Class 28: Decorations for Christmas trees | |
Class 30: Edible cake decorations | |
Class 31: Floral decorations (fresh) | |
Decorative articles | Class 6: Decorative articles made of common metals |
Class 14: Decorative articles (trinkets or jewellery) for personal use | |
Class 17: Decorative articles (other than badges) made of rubber | |
Class 19: Decorative articles made of stone | |
Class 20: Articles of wood for decorative purposes | |
Class 21: Porcelain articles for decorative purposes | |
Class 26: Decorative articles for the hair | |
Densitometers | Class 9: Densitometers, not for medical purposes |
Class 10: Densitometers for medical purposes | |
Design | Class 41: Design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications |
Class 42: Design of computer software | |
Class 42: Building design services | |
Class 42: Graphic design services | |
Class 44: Landscape design services | |
Dessert | Class 29: Fruit desserts |
Class 30: Prepared desserts (confectionery) | |
Desserts | Class 29: Fruit desserts |
Class 30: Prepared desserts (confectionery) | |
Detergent | Class 1: Detergents for use in industrial processes |
Class 3: Detergents for household use | |
Class 5: Detergents for medical purposes | |
Detergents | Class 1: Detergents for use in industrial processes |
Class 3: Detergents for household use | |
Class 5: Detergents for medical purposes | |
Diagnosis | Class 37: Diagnosis of electrical faults |
Class 42: Diagnosis of faults in computer software | |
Class 44: Disease diagnosis services | |
Diagnostic preparations | Class 1: Diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes |
Class 5: Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes | |
Diagnostic agents | Class 1: Diagnostic agents for scientific purposes |
Class 5: Diagnostic agents for medical purposes | |
Diagnostic reagents | Class 1: Diagnostic reagents for scientific purposes |
Class 5: Diagnostic reagents for medical purposes | |
Diffusers | Class 3: Air fragrance reed diffusers |
Class 7: Air diffusers for hydroponics | |
Class 11: Light diffusers | |
Class 21: Electric essential oil diffusers | |
Dip | Class 29: Dairy-based dips |
Class 30: Chocolate-based dips | |
Dips | Class 29: Dairy-based dips |
Class 30: Chocolate-based dips | |
Discs | Class 3: Cotton discs for cosmetic use |
Class 9: Computer compact discs | |
Class 12: Vehicle brake discs | |
Class 14: Ceramic discs for use as tokens of value | |
Class 17: Sound-absorbing metal discs | |
Class 21: Abrasive discs for kitchen purposes | |
Class 28: Flying discs (toys) | |
Dispensers | Class 6: Toilet paper dispensers of metal |
Class 7: Liquid dispensers (machines) for industrial purposes | |
Class 8: Razor blade dispensers | |
Class 9: Cash dispensers | |
Class 11: Electric dispensers for air fresheners | |
Class 16: Adhesive tape dispensers (office requisites) | |
Class 20: Dispensers for toilet paper, not of metal | |
Class 21: Pump dispensers for condiments | |
Displays | Class 6: Display signs of metal, non-luminous and non-mechanical, for roads |
Class 9: Display monitors | |
Class 20: Display boards | |
Distribution | Class 35: Distribution of advertising material |
Class 39: Distribution services being transport of products | |
Class 41: Film distribution (other than transportation) | |
Distribution services | Class 35: Distribution of advertising material |
Class 39: Distribution services being transport of products | |
Class 41: Film distribution (other than transportation) | |
Dividers | Class 9: Voltage dividers |
Class 16: Notebook dividers | |
Class 20: Room dividers (furniture) | |
Doors | Class 6: Doors of metal |
Class 11: Shower doors | |
Class 12: Doors for vehicles | |
Class 19: Doors, not of metal | |
Class 20: Cupboard for furniture | |
Drains | Class 6: Drains made of metal for use in construction of basement waterproofing systems |
Class 11: Shower drains (sanitary installations) | |
Class 19: Drains (other than of metal) for use in construction of basement waterproofing systems | |
Drain traps | Class 6: Drain traps of metal |
Class 19: Drain traps, not of metal or plastic | |
Class 20: Drain traps of plastic | |
Dressing | Class 1: Dressing, except oils, for skins |
Class 3: Dressings for nail repair | |
Class 5: Wound dressings | |
Class 30: Dressings for food | |
Dressings | Class 1: Dressings for seeds |
Class 5: Absorbent dressings | |
Class 30: Dressings for salads | |
Drill bits | Class 7: Power drill bits |
Class 8: Drill bits for hand operated tools | |
Class 10: Dental drill bits | |
Drinks | Class 5: Medicinal drinks |
Class 29: Milk drinks | |
Class 30: Coffee drinks | |
Class 32: Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks | |
Drums | Class 6: Metal storage drums |
Class 7: Drums (parts of machines) | |
Class 12: Brake drums for vehicles | |
Class 15: Drums (musical instruments) | |
Class 20: Storage drums of plastic | |
Ducts | Class 6: Air-conditioning ducting of metal |
Class 9: Ducting for electric cables | |
Class 19: Air-conditioning ducting, not of metal | |
Ducting | Class 6: Air-conditioning ducting of metal |
Class 9: Ducting for electric cables | |
Class 19: Air-conditioning ducting, not of metal | |
Dumplings | Class 29: Potato-based dumplings |
Class 30: Flour-based dumplings | |
Edging | Class 6: Metal landscape edgings |
Class 19: Non-metallic stair edging | |
Class 20: Edgings of plastic for furniture | |
Class 26: Edgings for clothing | |
Edgings | Class 6: Metal landscape edgings |
Class 19: Non-metallic stair edging | |
Class 20: Edgings of plastic for furniture | |
Class 26: Edgings for clothing | |
Elastic | Class 5: Elastic bandages for dressings |
Class 10: Elastic bandages, other than for dressings | |
Class 16: Elastic bands for office use | |
Class 17: Elastic threads, other than for textile use | |
Class 22: Elastic bands for binding | |
Class 23: Elastic thread and yarn for textile use | |
Electrical instruments | Class 7: Electrical instruments for cleaning |
Class 8: Electrical shaving instruments | |
Class 9: Electrical instruments for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electrical instruments for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electrical instruments for cooking foods | |
Class 15: Electrical musical instruments | |
Class 21: Electrical instruments for killing insects | |
Electric instruments | Class 7: Electric instruments for cleaning |
Class 8: Electric shaving instruments | |
Class 9: Electric instruments for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electric instruments for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electric instruments for cooking foods | |
Class 15: Electric musical instruments | |
Class 21: Electric instruments for killing insects | |
Electronic instruments | Class 7: Electronic instruments for cleaning |
Class 8: Electronic shaving instruments | |
Class 9: Electronic instruments for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electronic instruments for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electronic instruments for cooking foods | |
Class 15: Electronic musical instruments | |
Class 21: Electronic instruments for killing insects | |
Electrical apparatus | Class 7: Electrical apparatus for cleaning |
Class 9: Electrical apparatus for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electrical apparatus for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electrical apparatus for cooking foods | |
Class 21: Electrical apparatus for killing insects | |
Class 26: Electrical hair setting apparatus containing heated hair rollers | |
Class 28: Electrical amusement apparatus | |
Electric apparatus | Class 7: Electric apparatus for cleaning |
Class 9: Electric apparatus for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electric apparatus for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electric apparatus for cooking foods | |
Class 21: Electric apparatus for killing insects | |
Class 26: Electric hair setting apparatus containing heated hair rollers | |
Class 28: Electric amusement apparatus | |
Electronic apparatus | Class 7: Electronic apparatus for cleaning |
Class 9: Electronic apparatus for transmitting sound | |
Class 10: Electronic apparatus for medical diagnosis | |
Class 11: Electronic apparatus for cooking foods | |
Class 21: Electronic apparatus for killing insects | |
Class 26: Electronic hair setting apparatus containing heated hair rollers | |
Class 28: Electronic amusement apparatus | |
Electronic machines | Class 7: Electric machines for industrial purposes |
Class 9: Electronic machines for reading credit cards | |
Class 15: Electronic rhythm machines | |
Class 28: Electronic game machines | |
Electric machines | Class 7: Electric machines for cleaning |
Class 9: Electric communications machines | |
Class 11: Electric coffee machines | |
Class 16: Electric pencil sharpening machines | |
Class 28: Electric games machines | |
Electrical machines | Class 7: Electrical machines for cleaning |
Class 9: Electrical communications machines | |
Class 11: Electrical coffee machines | |
Class 16: Electrical pencil sharpening machines | |
Class 28: Electrical games machines | |
Enclosures | Class 6: Enclosures of metal for tombs |
Class 9: Audio speaker enclosures | |
Class 11: Enclosures for showers | |
Class 19: Balcony enclosures, not of metal | |
Enzymes | Class 1: Enzymes for scientific purposes |
Class 5: Enzymes for medical or veterinary use | |
Essences | Class 3: Essences for skin care |
Class 30: Edible essences for food (other than essential oils) | |
Class 32: Non-alcoholic essences for making beverages | |
Class 33: Alcoholic essences | |
Examination | Class 41: Educational examination |
Class 44: Medical examination of individuals | |
Class 45: Polygraph examination | |
Examination services | Class 41: Educational examination services |
Class 44: Medical examination services | |
Class 45: Polygraph examination services | |
Exhibition | Class 35: Arranging exhibitions for advertising purposes |
Class 41: Arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes | |
Class 43: Provision of facilities for exhibitions | |
Exhibitions | Class 35: Arranging exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes |
Class 41: Arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes | |
Class 43: Provision of facilities for exhibitions | |
Organising exhibitions | Class 35: Organising exhibitions for commercial purposes |
Class 41: Organising exhibitions for educational or cultural purposes | |
Organisation of exhibitions | Class 35: Organisation of exhibitions for commercial purposes |
Class 41: Organisation of exhibitions for educational or cultural purposes | |
Arranging exhibitions | Class 35: Arranging exhibitions for commercial purposes |
Class 41: Arranging exhibitions for educational or cultural purposes | |
Export services | Class 35: Export agency services |
Class 36: Export finance services | |
Class 39: Import and export cargo handling services | |
Exporting | Class 35: Export agency services |
Class 36: Export finance services | |
Class 39: Export cargo handling services | |
Extermination | Class 37: Extermination in domestic settings |
Class 44: Extermination for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Extermination services | Class 37: Extermination services in domestic settings |
Class 44: Extermination services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Exterminating | Class 37: Exterminating in domestic settings |
Class 44: Exterminating for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Extracts | Class 1: Tea extracts for the food industry |
Class 2: Dyewood extracts | |
Class 3: Extracts of perfumes | |
Class 5: Extracts of medicinal plants | |
Class 29: Meat extracts | |
Class 30: Spice extracts | |
Class 32: Extracts of hops for making beer | |
Class 33: Alcoholic extracts | |
Facings | Class 6: Facings of metal for building |
Class 19: Facings, not of metal, for building | |
Fans | Class 7: Fans for engines and motors |
Class 9: Internal cooling fans for computers | |
Class 11: Ceiling fans | |
Class 20: Fans for personal use (non-electric) | |
Fasteners | Class 6: Door fasteners of metal |
Class 12: License plate fasteners | |
Class 16: Paper fasteners (office requisites) | |
Class 18: Fasteners for saddles | |
Class 20: Door fasteners, not of metal | |
Class 26: Fasteners for clothing | |
Fastenings | Class 6: Door fastenings of metal |
Class 12: License plate fastenings | |
Class 16: Paper fastenings (office requisites) | |
Class 18: Fastenings for saddles | |
Class 20: Door fastenings, not of metal | |
Class 26: Fastenings for clothing | |
Ferments | Class 1: Ferments for chemical purposes |
Class 5: Ferments for pharmaceutical purposes | |
Class 29: Milk ferments for culinary purposes | |
Class 30: Ferments for dough | |
Fibres | Class 1: Bast fibre pulp |
Class 5: Dietary fibre | |
Class 9: Optical fibres | |
Class 17: Plastic fibres, other than for textile use | |
Class 21: Glass fibres (other than for textile use) | |
Class 22: Natural fibres for textile use | |
Class 22: Plastic fibres for textile use | |
Fibers | Class 1: Bast fiber pulp |
Class 5: Dietary fiber | |
Class 9: Optical fibers | |
Class 17: Plastic fibers, other than for textile use | |
Class 21: Glass fibers (other than for textile use) | |
Class 22: Natural fibers for textile use | |
Class 22: Plastic fibers for textile use | |
Figurines | Class 6: Figurines of common metal |
Class 14: Figurines made from precious metals | |
Class 16: Figurines made from papier mâché | |
Class 17: Figurines made from rubber | |
Class 18: Figurines made from leather | |
Class 19: Figurines of stone | |
Class 20: Figurines made of plastics | |
Class 21: Figurines made of glass | |
Class 28: Figurines being toys | |
Figures | Class 6: Figures of common metal |
Class 14: Figures made from gold | |
Class 16: Figurines made from cardboard | |
Class 17: Figures made from rubber | |
Class 18: Figures made from leather | |
Class 19: Figures of stone | |
Class 20: Figures made of plastics | |
Class 21: Figures made of glass | |
Class 28: Figures being toys | |
Filler | Class 1: Fillers for plastics |
Class 5: Injectable dermal filler | |
Class 10: Bone void fillers comprised of artificial materials | |
Class 17: Fillers for expansion joints | |
Fillers | Class 1: Fillers for plastics |
Class 5: Injectable dermal filler | |
Class 10: Bone void fillers comprised of artificial materials | |
Class 17: Fillers for expansion joints | |
Filling | Class 5: Dental cement for fillings |
Class 22: Fillings of down | |
Class 29: Fruit fillings | |
Fillings | Class 5: Dental cement for fillings |
Class 22: Fillings of down | |
Class 29: Fruit fillings | |
Film | Class 1: Unexposed films |
Class 5: Adhesive films for medical use | |
Class 6: Films made of aluminium | |
Class 9: films bearing video recordings | |
Class 16: Adhesive plastic films for wrapping and packaging | |
Class 17: Plastic films for use in building | |
Films | Class 1: Unexposed films |
Class 5: Adhesive films for medical use | |
Class 6: Films made of aluminium | |
Class 9: films bearing video recordings | |
Class 16: Adhesive plastic films for wrapping and packaging | |
Class 17: Plastic films for use in building | |
Filters | Class 7: Air filters for engines |
Class 9: Optical filters | |
Class 10: Blood filters | |
Class 11: Water filters | |
Class 16: Paper coffee filters | |
Class 21: Tea filters | |
Class 24: Filters made of textile materials | |
Class 34: Cigarette filters | |
Finishes | Class 2: Wood floor finishes |
Class 19: Textured concrete finishes | |
Fittings | Class 6: Furniture fittings of metal |
Class 7: Spray fittings (parts of machines) | |
Class 9: Fittings for lights (switches) | |
Class 11: Bath fittings | |
Class 17: Non-metallic fittings for pipes | |
Class 18: Harness fittings | |
Class 20: Furniture fittings, not of metal | |
Class 25: Fittings of metal for footwear | |
Fitting services | Class 37: Installation of fittings for buildings |
Class 40: Custom manufacturing and fitting of wigs | |
Class 44: Eyeglass fitting services | |
Fitting | Class 37: Installation of fittings for buildings |
Class 40: Custom manufacturing and fitting of wigs | |
Class 44: Eyeglass fitting services | |
Fixatives | Class 1: Histological fixatives |
Class 2: Fixatives for colorants | |
Class 3: Fixatives for the hair | |
Fixtures | Class 11: Bath plumbing fixtures |
Class 20: Shop fixtures (furniture) | |
Class 21: Towel racks (bathroom fixtures) | |
Flanges | Class 6: Flanges of metal (collars) |
Class 12: Flanges for railway wheel tyres | |
Flavoring | Class 3: Flavoring for foodstuffs being essential oils |
Class 30: Food flavoring, other than essential oils | |
Class 34: Flavoring, other than essential oils, for tobacco | |
Flavorings | Class 3: Flavourings for foodstuffs being essential oils |
Class 30: Food flavourings, other than essential oils | |
Class 34: Flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco | |
Flavouring | Class 3: Flavourings for foodstuffs being essential oils |
Class 30: Food flavourings, other than essential oils | |
Class 34: Flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco | |
Flavourings | Class 3: Flavourings for foodstuffs being essential oils |
Class 30: Food flavourings, other than essential oils | |
Class 34: Flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco | |
Foam | Class 1: Fire fighting foam |
Class 3: Foams for the bath | |
Class 5: Contraceptive foam | |
Class 17: Insulating polystyrene foam | |
Class 22: Stuffings of synthetic foam | |
Foams | Class 1: Fire fighting foams |
Class 3: Foams for the bath | |
Class 5: Contraceptive foams | |
Class 17: Insulating polystyrene foams | |
Class 22: Stuffings of synthetic foams | |
Foil | Class 2: Foils of metal for use by painters |
Class 3: Grinding foils | |
Class 6: Aluminium foil | |
Class 16: Polypropylene foil for wrapping | |
Class 17: Foils of metal for insulating | |
Class 26: Hair colouring foils | |
Class 28: Foils for fencing | |
Foils | Class 2: Foils of metal for use by painters |
Class 3: Grinding foils | |
Class 6: Aluminium foil | |
Class 16: Polypropylene foil for wrapping | |
Class 17: Foils of metal for insulating | |
Class 26: Hair colouring foils | |
Class 28: Foils for fencing | |
Frames | Class 6: Frames of metal for building |
Class 7: Spinning frames | |
Class 8: Frames for handsaws | |
Class 9: Frames for eyeglasses | |
Class 10: Walking frames for persons with disabilities | |
Class 11: Heating frames | |
Class 12: Frames for cycles | |
Class 15: Kettledrum frames | |
Class 18: Frames for bags | |
Class 19: Non-metal window frames | |
Class 20: Picture frames | |
Class 25: Hat frames (skeletons) | |
Class 26: Frames for crochet | |
Gas | Class 1: Gas for industrial use |
Class 4: Gas for use as fuel | |
Class 5: Gas for dental use | |
Gases | Class 1: Gases for industrial use |
Class 4: Gases for use as fuel | |
Class 5: Gases for dental use | |
Gates | Class 6: Gates of metal |
Class 19: Gates, not of metal | |
Class 20: Baby gates | |
Gel | Class 1: Silica gel |
Class 3: Cosmetic gel | |
Class 5: Medicated body gel | |
Class 30: Confectionery gel | |
Gels | Class 1: Silica gels |
Class 3: Cosmetic gels | |
Class 5: Medicated body gels | |
Class 30: Confectionery gels | |
Ginger | Class 29: Preserved ginger |
Class 30: Ground ginger | |
Class 31: Ginger, fresh | |
Glasses | Class 9: Optical glasses |
Class 21: Drinking glasses | |
Glaze | Class 2: Glaze (paint, lacquers) |
Class 3: Hair glaze | |
Class 30: Glaze for food | |
Glazes | Class 2: Glazes (paint, lacquers) |
Class 3: Hair glazes | |
Class 30: Glazes for food | |
Gloves | Class 3: Gloves impregnated with cosmetic moisturising cream |
Class 9: Gloves for protection against accidents | |
Class 10: Gloves for medical use | |
Class 21: Gloves for domestic use | |
Class 24: Bath gloves | |
Class 25: Gloves (clothing) | |
Glue | Class 1: Glue for use in industry |
Class 3: Hair piece bonding glue | |
Class 5: Surgical glue | |
Class 16: Adhesive glue for household purposes | |
Glues | Class 1: Glues for use in industry |
Class 3: Hair piece bonding glues | |
Class 5: Surgical glues | |
Class 16: Adhesive glues for household purposes | |
Glue pots | Class 11: Glue pots, electric |
Class 21: Glue pots, non-electric | |
Grease | Class 2: Anti-corrosive grease |
Class 3: Grease for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 4: Industrial grease | |
Class 5: Grease for medical purposes | |
Greases | Class 2: Anti-corrosive greases |
Class 3: Greases for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 4: Industrial grease | |
Class 5: Greases for medical purposes | |
Grills | Class 6: Grilles of metal for roads |
Class 11: Barbecue grills | |
Class 12: Radiator grills for vehicles | |
Class 19: Grilles, not of metal, for ventilation openings | |
Class 21: Grills (cooking utensils) | |
Grilles | Class 6: Grilles of metal for roads |
Class 11: Barbecue grills | |
Class 12: Radiator grills for vehicles | |
Class 19: Grilles, not of metal, for ventilation openings | |
Class 21: Grills (cooking utensils) | |
Grips | Class 12: Handlebar grips for bicycles |
Class 16: Pen grips | |
Class 18: Grips for holding shopping bags | |
Class 26: Hair grips | |
Class 28: Golf club grips | |
Grommets | Class 6: Metal grommets |
Class 17: Grommets made of rubber | |
Class 20: Grommets made of plastics materials | |
Guard | Class 6: Guard barriers of metal |
Class 7: Guards (parts of machines) | |
Class 9: Head guards for sports | |
Class 10: Finger guards for medical use | |
Class 12: Chain guards for bicycles | |
Class 13: Trigger guards for rifles | |
Class 19: Guard rails, not of metal | |
Class 20: Bumper guards for cots, other than bed linen | |
Class 25: Rash guards | |
Class 28: Knee guards (sports articles) | |
Guards | Class 6: Guard barriers of metal |
Class 7: Guards (parts of machines) | |
Class 9: Head guards for sports | |
Class 10: Finger guards for medical use | |
Class 12: Chain guards for bicycles | |
Class 13: Trigger guards for rifles | |
Class 19: Guard rails, not of metal | |
Class 20: Bumper guards for cots, other than bed linen | |
Class 25: Rash guards | |
Class 28: Knee guards (sports articles) | |
Gums | Class 1: Gums (adhesives), for industrial purposes |
Class 2: Gum resins | |
Class 5: Nicotine gums for use as an aid to stop smoking | |
Class 16: Gums (adhesives) for stationery or household use | |
Class 17: Gums, raw or semi-worked | |
Class 30: Chewing gums (not medicated) | |
Gum | Class 1: Gum (adhesives), for industrial purposes |
Class 2: Gum resins | |
Class 5: Nicotine gum for use as an aid to stop smoking | |
Class 16: Gum for packing | |
Class 17: Gum, raw or semi-worked | |
Class 30: Chewing gum (not medicated) | |
Hammers | Class 7: Electric hammers |
Class 8: Hammers (hand tools) | |
Class 10: Reflex hammers | |
Class 13: Hammers for guns | |
Class 28: Hammers for sports | |
Handles | Class 6: Metal door handles |
Class 8: Handles for hand-operated hand tools | |
Class 16: Handles for paint brushes | |
Class 18: Handles for canes | |
Class 20: Door handles, not of metal | |
Class 21: Handles for brooms | |
Class 28: Handles for fishing rods | |
Hangers | Class 6: Bag hangers of metal |
Class 7: Hangers (parts of machines) | |
Class 20: Clothes hangers | |
Class 21: Clothes drying hangers | |
Hardware | Class 6: Metal hardware for buildings |
Class 9: Computer hardware | |
Class 20: Plastic hardware for blinds | |
Herbs | Class 3: Bath herbs, not for medical use |
Class 5: Herbs for medicinal purposes | |
Class 30: Dried herbs (seasonings) | |
Class 31: Fresh herbs | |
Class 34: Herbs for smoking | |
Hire services | Class 35: Hire of advertising billboards |
Class 37: Hire of construction machinery | |
Class 38: Hire of communications apparatus | |
Class 39: Car hire services | |
Class 40: Hire of electrical generators | |
Class 41: Hire of sports facilities | |
Class 42: Computer hire | |
Class 43: Temporary room hire | |
Class 45: Hire of clothing | |
Hiring services | Class 35: Hire of advertising billboards |
Class 37: Hire of construction machinery | |
Class 38: Hire of communications apparatus | |
Class 39: Car hire services | |
Class 40: Hire of electrical generators | |
Class 41: Hire of sports facilities | |
Class 42: Computer hire | |
Class 43: Temporary room hire | |
Class 45: Hire of clothing | |
Holder | Class 6: Sign holders of metal |
Class 7: Holders for machine tools | |
Class 8: Holders for hand tools | |
Class 9: Holders adapted for mobile phones | |
Class 10: Holders for feeding bottles | |
Class 11: Lamp holders | |
Class 12: Cup holders for vehicles | |
Class 14: Key holders | |
Class 15: Holders for musical instrument | |
Class 16: Document holders (stationery) | |
Class 18: Card holders (wallets) | |
Class 20: Holders for display material (furniture) | |
Class 21: Candle holders | |
Class 24: Textile curtain holders | |
Class 26: Suspender holders (fasteners) | |
Class 28: Ball holders | |
Class 34: Cigar holders | |
Holders | Class 6: Sign holders of metal |
Class 7: Holders for machine tools | |
Class 8: Holders for hand tools | |
Class 9: Holders adapted for mobile phones | |
Class 10: Holders for feeding bottles | |
Class 11: Lamp holders | |
Class 12: Cup holders for vehicles | |
Class 14: Key holders | |
Class 15: Holders for musical instrument | |
Class 16: Document holders (stationery) | |
Class 18: Card holders (wallets) | |
Class 20: Holders for display material (furniture) | |
Class 21: Candle holders | |
Class 24: Textile curtain holders | |
Class 26: Suspender holders (fasteners) | |
Class 28: Ball holders | |
Class 34: Cigar holders | |
Hoods | Class 7: Hoods (parts of machines) |
Class 9: Lens hoods | |
Class 11: Cooker hoods | |
Class 12: Hoods for vehicles | |
Class 21: Aquarium hoods | |
Class 25: Hoods (clothing) | |
Hooks | Class 6: Clothes hooks of metal |
Class 8: Bill-hooks | |
Class 12: Tow hooks | |
Class 20: Curtain hooks | |
Class 26: Crochet hooks | |
Class 28: Fish hooks | |
Hoops | Class 6: Cask hoops of metal |
Class 20: Barrel hoops, not of metal | |
Class 28: Hoops for children | |
Horns | Class 9: Horns for loudspeakers |
Class 12: Horns for cars | |
Class 13: Powder horns | |
Class 15: Horns being musical instruments | |
Class 20: Animal horns | |
Class 21: Shoe horns | |
Class 28: Toy horns | |
Hoses | Class 6: Industrial metal hoses |
Class 7: Flexible hoses being parts of machines | |
Class 9: Fire hoses | |
Class 11: Shower hoses | |
Class 17: Garden hoses | |
Hospitality | Class 41: Hospitality services (entertainment) |
Class 43: Hospitality services being the provision of food and drink | |
Hot pots | Class 11: Hot pots, electric |
Class 21: Hot pots, non-electric | |
Digital imaging services | Class 41: Digital imaging services (editing of images) |
Class 42: Digital imaging services (digitisation and scanning of images) | |
Frying pans | Class 11: Frying pans, electric |
Class 21: Frying pans, non-electric | |
Information | Class 35: Providing business information |
Class 36: Providing financial information | |
Class 41: Providing educational information | |
Class 42: Providing scientific information | |
Class 44: Providing medical information | |
Class 45: Providing legal information | |
Information services | Class 35: Providing business information |
Class 36: Providing financial information | |
Class 41: Providing educational information | |
Class 42: Providing scientific information | |
Class 44: Providing medical information | |
Class 45: Providing legal information | |
Providing information | Class 35: Providing business information |
Class 36: Providing financial information | |
Class 41: Providing educational information | |
Class 42: Providing scientific information | |
Class 44: Providing medical information | |
Class 45: Providing legal information | |
Infusions | Class 5: Herbal infusions for medicinal use |
Class 30: Herbal infusions (other than for medicinal use) | |
Inlets | Class 6: Water inlets (valves of metal) for water pipes |
Class 7: Air inlets (parts of machines, engines or motors) | |
Class 11: Air inlets (vents) for vehicles | |
Class 20: Water inlets (valves of plastic) for water pipes | |
Class 7: Cutting inserts for machine tools | |
Class 8: Cutting inserts for use with hand tools | |
Class 9: Inserts for breathing masks, other than for medical use | |
Class 10: Orthopaedic inserts for footwear | |
Class 11: Fireplace inserts | |
Class 12: Tyre mousse inserts | |
Class 20: Plastic inserts (trays) for tool boxes | |
Class 25: Inserts for footwear (other than orthopaedic) | |
Inspections | Class 37: Inspection of automobiles and their parts prior to maintenance and repair |
Class 39: Inspection of goods before transport | |
Class 42: Inspection of goods for quality control | |
Class 45: Inspection of factories for safety purposes | |
Inspection services | Class 37: Inspection of automobiles and their parts prior to maintenance and repair |
Class 39: Inspection of goods before transport | |
Class 42: Inspection of goods for quality control | |
Class 45: Inspection of factories for safety purposes | |
Instruments | Class 8: Abrading instruments, hand operated |
Class 9: Instruments for scientific research in laboratories | |
Class 10: Instruments for dental use | |
Class 11: Air purifying instruments | |
Class 12: Alarm instruments for vehicles | |
Class 14: Chronometric instruments | |
Class 15: Musical instruments | |
Class 16: Drawing instruments | |
Class 21: Cleaning instruments, hand-operated | |
Class 28: Toy musical instruments | |
Internet cafes | Class 38: Internet cafe services being the provision of telecommunications access to the internet |
Class 42: Internet cafe services (computer rental) | |
Class 43: Internet cafe services (provision of food and drink prepared for consumption) | |
Internet cafe services | Class 38: Internet cafe services being the provision of telecommunications access to the internet |
Class 42: Internet cafe services (computer rental) | |
Class 43: Internet cafe services (provision of food and drink prepared for consumption) | |
Internet portals | Class 38: Internet portal services (providing user access to a global computer network) |
Class 42: Internet portal services (designing or hosting) | |
Internet portal services | Class 38: Internet portal services (providing user access to a global computer network) |
Class 42: Internet portal services (designing or hosting) | |
Investigations | Class 35: Business investigations |
Class 36: Financial investigations | |
Class 42: Geotechnical investigations | |
Class 45: Criminal investigations | |
Investigation services | Class 35: Business investigation services |
Class 36: Financial investigation services | |
Class 42: Geotechnical investigation services | |
Class 45: Criminal investigation services | |
Jacks | Class 7: Jacks (machines) |
Class 8: Hand operated lifting jacks | |
Class 9: Jack cables | |
Class 11: Roasting jacks | |
Class 21: Boot jacks | |
Jelly | Class 3: Petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes |
Class 4: Petroleum jelly for industrial purposes | |
Class 29: Fruit jelly spreads | |
Class 30: Flavoured jelly crystals for making jelly confectionery | |
Jellies | Class 3: Petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes |
Class 4: Petroleum jelly for industrial purposes | |
Class 29: Fruit jelly spreads | |
Class 30: Flavoured jelly crystals for making jelly confectionery | |
Joints | Class 6: Joints of metal for pipes |
Class 7: Joints (parts of engines) | |
Class 10: Artificial joints | |
Class 17: Non-metallic joints for pipes | |
Class 19: Expansion joints, not of metal | |
Jointing | Class 6: Jointing of metal for pipes |
Class 17: Non-metallic jointing for pipes | |
Joysticks | Class 7: joysticks being parts of machines, other than for game machines |
Class 9: Computer joysticks | |
Class 12: vehicle joysticks | |
Class 28: joysticks for computer and video games | |
Juice | Class 29: Vegetable juices for cooking |
Class 32: Fruit juice beverages | |
Keyboards | Class 9: keyboards for computers |
Class 15: Keyboard musical instruments | |
Class 20: Keyboards for hanging keys | |
Class 28: Gaming keyboards | |
Keys | Class 6: Keys of metal |
Class 8: Hex keys | |
Class 9: Electronic keys | |
Class 15: Keys for musical instruments | |
Class 20: Plastic keys | |
Kits | Class 3: Make-up kits |
Class 5: Filled first aid kits | |
Class 8: Shaving kits | |
Class 9: Hands-free kits for telephones | |
Class 11: Electrically heated home brewing kits | |
Class 12: Puncture repair kits comprised primarily of adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes and tyre mousse inserts for bicycle tyres | |
Class 16: Arts and crafts paint kits (school supplies) | |
Class 19: Prefabricated houses (kits), not of metal | |
Class 20: Furniture (ready-to-assemble) sold as kits | |
Class 21: Non-electric home brewing kits | |
Class 26: Sewing kits | |
Class 28: Toy model kits | |
Labels | Class 6: Labels of metal |
Class 9: Electronic labels | |
Class 10: Temperature indicator labels for medical use | |
Class 16: Labels of paper | |
Class 18: Labels of leather | |
Class 20: Labels of plastic | |
Class 24: Labels of textile | |
Lactose | Class 1: Lactose for industrial purposes |
Class 5: Lactose for medical purposes | |
Ladders | Class 6: Ladders of metal |
Class 9: Fire escape ladders | |
Class 20: Non-metallic ladders | |
Class 22: Rope ladders | |
Laminate | Class 6: Aluminium foil paper laminate |
Class 16: Paper laminate | |
Class 19: Timber laminate | |
Laminates | Class 6: Aluminium foil paper laminates |
Class 16: Laminates of paper | |
Class 19: Wood laminates | |
Landscaping | Class 37: Construction services relating to landscaping |
Class 44: Landscape architectural services | |
Class 44: Landscape gardening | |
Lanyards | Class 9: Lanyards (straps) for mobile phones |
Class 13: Firing lanyards for explosives | |
Class 14: Lanyards for holding keys | |
Class 16: Lanyards for holding paper cards | |
Class 28: Lanyards adapted for use in fly fishing | |
Lead | Class 1: Lead oxide |
Class 2: Lead in powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art | |
Class 6: Lead, unwrought or semi-wrought | |
Class 16: Pencil lead | |
Leads | Class 9: Battery leads |
Class 18: Leads for animals | |
Lecithin | Class 1: Lecithin for use in manufacture |
Class 5: Lecithin for medical purposes | |
Class 29: Lecithin for culinary purposes | |
Lids | Class 6: Lids of metal |
Class 11: Toilet seat lids | |
Class 20: Lids for jars, not of metal | |
Class 21: Pot lids | |
Liners | Class 3: Liners (cosmetics) for the eyes |
Class 5: Nappy liners | |
Class 11: Fitted liners for baths | |
Class 12: Fitted liners for the cargo area of vehicles | |
Class 16: Bin liners of paper | |
Class 20: Sink liners | |
Class 21: Liners adapted for pet litter trays | |
Class 22: Plastic liners for the transport of bulk material in containers | |
Class 24: Sleeping bag liners | |
Class 25: Jacket liners | |
Lining | Class 5: Lining materials for dental use |
Class 6: Linings of metal for building | |
Class 7: Brake linings for machines | |
Class 11: Bath linings, fitted | |
Class 12: Brake linings for vehicles | |
Class 16: Lining paper | |
Class 17: Clutch linings | |
Class 19: Linings, not of metal, for building | |
Class 24: Linings (textile) | |
Class 25: Ready-made linings for clothing | |
Class 27: Padded linings for existing floors | |
Linings | Class 5: Lining materials for dental use |
Class 6: Linings of metal for building | |
Class 7: Brake linings for machines | |
Class 11: Bath linings, fitted | |
Class 12: Brake linings for vehicles | |
Class 16: Lining paper | |
Class 17: Clutch linings | |
Class 19: Linings, not of metal, for building | |
Class 24: Linings (textile) | |
Class 25: Ready-made linings for clothing | |
Class 27: Padded linings for existing floors | |
Lobbying services | Class 35: Commercial lobbying services |
Class 45: Lobbying services relating to legislation and regulation | |
Lobbying | Class 35: Commercial lobbying services |
Class 45: Lobbying services relating to legislation and regulation | |
Logistics | Class 35: Logistics being business management of logistics for others |
Class 39: Logistics (transport, packaging, and storage of goods) | |
Logistics services | Class 35: Logistics services being business management of logistics for others |
Class 39: Logistics services (transport, packaging, and storage of goods) | |
Lotion | Class 3: Lotion for cosmetic purposes |
Class 5: Lotion for pharmaceutical purposes | |
Lotions | Class 3: Lotions for cosmetic purposes |
Class 5: Lotions for pharmaceutical purposes | |
Louvres | Class 6: Louvres made of metal |
Class 11: Lighting louvres | |
Class 12: Sun louvres of metal for vehicles | |
Class 19: Architectural louvres of non-metallic materials | |
Class 20: Louvre blinds (indoor) | |
Magnetic equipment | Class 7: Magnetic conveyors |
Class 9: Magnetic data carriers | |
Class 9: Magnets | |
Class 10: Magnetic field generators for medical use | |
Class 11: Magnetic induction lighting | |
Class 16: Magnetic boards | |
Magnetic instruments | Class 7: Magnetic conveyors |
Class 9: Magnetic data carriers | |
Class 9: Magnets | |
Class 10: Magnetic field generators for medical use | |
Class 11: Magnetic induction lighting | |
Class 16: Magnetic boards | |
Magnetic apparatus | Class 7: Magnetic conveyors |
Class 9: Magnetic data carriers | |
Class 9: Magnets | |
Class 10: Magnetic field generators for medical use | |
Class 11: Magnetic induction lighting | |
Class 16: Magnetic boards | |
Management | Class 35: Business management |
Class 36: Financial management | |
Class 36: Property management | |
Class 37: On site building project management | |
Class 45: Industrial property (intellectual property) management | |
Management services | Class 35: Business management services |
Class 36: Financial management services | |
Class 36: Property management services | |
Class 37: On site building project management services | |
Class 45: Industrial property (intellectual property) management services | |
Markers | Class 2: Colorants for the restoration of furniture in the form of markers |
Class 6: Metal plant markers | |
Class 9: Safety markers | |
Class 16: Marker pens | |
Class 20: Plant marks of plastic | |
Class 21: Glass markers | |
Class 28: Markers for golf balls | |
Masks | Class 3: Masks for moisturizing the skin |
Class 9: Masks for protection against dust | |
Class 10: Face masks for medical purposes | |
Class 18: Face masks for equines | |
Class 25: Eye masks | |
Class 28: Masks (playthings) | |
Class 28: Face masks for sports | |
Face masks | Class 3: Face masks for moisturizing the skin |
Class 9: Face masks for protection against dust | |
Class 10: Face masks for medical purposes | |
Class 18: Face masks for equines | |
Class 28: Face masks (playthings) | |
Class 28: Face masks for sports | |
Mastic | Class 1: Mastic for car bodies |
Class 2: Mastic (natural resin) | |
Class 5: Dental mastic | |
Class 17: Insulating mastic | |
Class 17: Mastic for sealing joints | |
Class 19: Asphalt-based roofing mastic | |
Mastics | Class 1: Mastics for car bodies |
Class 2: Mastics (natural resins) | |
Class 5: Dental mastics | |
Class 17: Insulating mastics | |
Class 17: Mastics for sealing joints | |
Class 19: Asphalt-based roofing mastics | |
Masts | Class 6: Masts of metal |
Class 9: Masts for aerials | |
Class 12: Masts for boats | |
Class 19: Masts, not of metal | |
Class 28: Masts for sailboards | |
Materials | Class 1: Unprocessed plastic materials in powder, liquid or paste form |
Class 3: Materials for use in blast cleaning | |
Class 5: Materials for dressing wounds | |
Class 6: Metal building materials | |
Class 16: Artists' materials | |
Class 17: Insulating materials | |
Class 17: Jointing materials | |
Class 19: Non-metallic materials for building | |
Class 22: Padding materials, not of rubber, plastics, paper or cardboard | |
Meals | Class 29: Prepared meals, predominantly of meat or vegetables |
Class 30: Meals made predominantly from rice, pasta or noodles | |
Mechanisms | Class 6: Metal locking mechanisms |
Class 7: Control mechanisms for engines or motors | |
Class 9: Mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus | |
Class 12: Propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles | |
Class 14: Clock mechanisms | |
Membranes | Class 5: Bacterial membranes for medical use |
Class 9: Acoustic membranes used in sound recording or reproducing apparatus | |
Class 10: Artificial tympanic membranes | |
Class 11: Membranes for watering filtering apparatus | |
Class 17: Insulating waterproofing membranes | |
Class 19: Non-metallic roofing membranes | |
Mentoring | Class 41: Mentoring (training) |
Class 45: Mentoring (spiritual) | |
Meshes | Class 6: Metal wire meshes |
Class 10: Surgical meshes comprised primarily of artificial materials | |
Class 16: Plastic meshes for packaging and wrapping | |
Class 19: Reinforcing meshes made of textile fibres for construction purposes | |
Class 24: Webbing tensioning meshes for upholstery | |
Mesh | Class 6: Metal wire mesh |
Class 10: Surgical mesh comprised primarily of artificial materials | |
Class 16: Plastic mesh for packaging and wrapping | |
Class 19: Reinforcing mesh made of textile fibres for construction purposes | |
Class 24: Webbing tensioning mesh for upholstery | |
Mice | Class 9: Computer mice |
Class 28: Gaming mice | |
Minerals | Class 1: Non-metallic minerals for use in manufacture |
Class 3: Blast cleaning media comprising crushed minerals | |
Class 4: Mineral fuel | |
Class 5: Food supplements consisting of minerals | |
Class 19: Non-metallic minerals for use in building | |
Miniatures | Class 6: Miniature car models (ornaments) of common metal |
Class 14: Miniature car models (ornaments) of precious metal | |
Class 16: Miniature car models (ornaments) of paper | |
Class 20: Miniature car models (ornaments) of plastic | |
Class 20: Miniature car models (ornaments) of wood | |
Class 21: Miniature figurines (earthenware) | |
Class 21: Miniature figurines (glass) | |
Class 21: Miniature figurines (porcelain) | |
Class 28: Miniatures for use in games | |
Mitts | Class 21: Mitts of fabric for cleaning |
Class 24: Bath mitts | |
Class 28: Baseball mitts | |
Mixes | Class 1: Soil mixes (compost, animal manure and fertilisers) |
Class 5: Meal replacement drink mixes for medical purposes | |
Class 19: Cement mixes | |
Class 29: Soup mixes | |
Class 30: Cake mixes | |
Class 32: Mixes for making smoothies | |
Mixtures | Class 1: Soil mixtures (compost, animal manure and fertilisers) |
Class 4: Gas mixtures (fuels) | |
Class 5: Gas mixtures for medical use | |
Class 19: Dry building mixtures | |
Class 29: Mixtures for making milkshakes | |
Class 30: Flour mixtures | |
Class 31: Feed mixtures for animals | |
Models | Class 6: Models (ornaments) of common metal |
Class 9: Anatomical training models [teaching apparatus] | |
Class 14: Ornamental models made of precious metal | |
Class 16: Models (ornaments) made of paper | |
Class 19: Models (ornaments) made of marble | |
Class 19: Models (ornaments) made of stone | |
Class 20: Models (ornaments) made of plastic | |
Class 20: Models (ornaments) made of wax | |
Class 20: Models (ornaments) made of wood | |
Class 21: Models (ornaments) made of earthenware | |
Class 21: Models (ornaments) made of glass | |
Class 21: Models (ornaments) made of porcelain | |
Class 28: Models being toys | |
Modules | Class 6: Prefabricated modules of metal |
Class 9: Power modules | |
Class 19: Non-metallic storage modules (structures) | |
Monitoring services | Class 35: Market demand monitoring services |
Class 36: Monitoring of investment portfolios | |
Class 39: Monitoring of package shipments | |
Class 42: Monitoring of computer system operation by remote access | |
Class 44: Monitoring of patients | |
Class 45: Monitoring of alarms | |
Class 45: Monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes | |
Monitoring | Class 35: Market demand monitoring services |
Class 36: Monitoring of investment portfolios | |
Class 39: Monitoring of package shipments | |
Class 42: Monitoring of computer system operation by remote access | |
Class 44: Monitoring of patients | |
Class 45: Monitoring of alarms | |
Class 45: Monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes | |
Moulds | Class 6: Metal moulds for casting, other than machine parts |
Class 7: Moulds (parts of machines) | |
Class 16: Moulds for modelling clays (artists' materials) | |
Class 17: Vulcanite moulds | |
Class 19: Foundry moulds, not of metal | |
Class 20: Plastics moulds for making soap | |
Class 21: Moulds (kitchen utensils) | |
Molds | Class 6: Metal molds for casting, other than machine parts |
Class 7: Molds (parts of machines) | |
Class 16: Molds for modelling clays (artists' materials) | |
Class 17: Vulcanite molds | |
Class 19: Foundry molds, not of metal | |
Class 20: Plastics molds for making soap | |
Class 21: Molds (kitchen utensils) | |
Mouldings | Class 5: Moulding wax for dentists |
Class 6: Mouldings made of metal for building | |
Class 16: Moulding preparations for modelling (artists' materials) | |
Class 17: Mouldings of plastics for packing | |
Class 19: Mouldings, not of metal, for building | |
Class 20: Non-metallic mouldings for furniture | |
Class 21: Moulds (kitchen utensils) | |
Class 37: Moulding of concrete for construction purposes | |
Class 40: Moulding of metals | |
Moldings | Class 5: Moulding wax for dentists |
Class 6: Mouldings made of metal for building | |
Class 16: Moulding preparations for modelling (artists' materials) | |
Class 17: Mouldings of plastics for packing | |
Class 19: Mouldings, not of metal, for building | |
Class 20: Non-metallic mouldings for furniture | |
Class 21: Moulds (kitchen utensils) | |
Class 37: Moulding of concrete for construction purposes | |
Class 40: Moulding of metals | |
Mounts | Class 7: Engine mounts, other than for land vehicles |
Class 9: Mobile phone mounts for use in vehicles | |
Class 12: Towing hook mounts | |
Class 16: Mounts for pictures | |
Mountings | Class 9: Eyeglass mountings |
Class 11: Wall mountings adapted for use with wash hand basins | |
Class 12: Towing hook mountings | |
Class 20: Brush mountings | |
Mouses | Class 9: Computer mouses |
Class 28: Gaming mouses | |
Mouse | Class 9: Computer mouse |
Class 28: Gaming mouse | |
Mousse | Class 3: Hair mousse |
Class 29: Mousse (savoury) | |
Class 30: Mousse (confectionery) | |
Mousses | Class 3: Hair mousses |
Class 29: Mousses (savoury) | |
Class 30: Mousses (confectionery) | |
Mouthpieces | Class 15: Mouthpieces for musical instruments |
Class 34: Mouthpieces for cigarette holders | |
Mouth pieces | Class 15: Mouth pieces for musical instruments |
Class 34: Mouth pieces for cigarette holders | |
Mud | Class 1: Drilling mud |
Class 3: Body mud for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Mud for baths | |
Class 28: Baseball and softball rubbing mud | |
Muds | Class 1: Drilling muds |
Class 3: Body muds for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Medicinal muds | |
Mulch | Class 1: Mulch for soil enrichment (fertiliser) |
Class 17: Mulching film | |
Class 31: Straw mulch | |
Nails | Class 3: False nails |
Class 6: Metal nails | |
Class 20: Nails, not of metal | |
Napkins | Class 5: Sanitary napkins |
Class 16: Paper napkins | |
Class 24: Textile napkins (table linen) | |
News services | Class 35: News clipping services |
Class 38: Transmission of news | |
Class 41: News reporting services | |
Nuts | Class 6: Metal nuts |
Class 20: Nuts, not of metal | |
Class 29: Nuts, prepared | |
Class 30: Chocolate covered nuts | |
Class 31: Nuts, unprocessed | |
Oils | Class 1: Oils for the preservation of food |
Class 2: Oils for the preservation of wood | |
Class 3: Body oils | |
Class 4: Oils for engines | |
Class 5: Medicinal oils | |
Class 17: Insulating oils | |
Class 29: Edible oils | |
Oil | Class 1: Oil for the preservation of food |
Class 2: Oil for the preservation of wood | |
Class 3: Body oil | |
Class 4: Oil for engines | |
Class 5: Medicinal oil solutions | |
Class 17: Insulating oil | |
Class 29: Edible oil | |
Ointment | Class 3: Non-medicated ointment for moisturising the skin |
Class 5: Medicinal ointment | |
Ointments | Class 3: Non-medicated ointments for moisturising the skin |
Class 5: Medicinal ointments | |
Online services | Class 35: Online data processing services |
Class 35: Online retail services | |
Class 36: Online banking services | |
Class 38: Providing online forums | |
Class 41: Provision of online training | |
Class 41: Providing online videos, not downloadable | |
Class 42: Online provision of web-based software (non-downloadable) | |
Class 45: Online social networking services | |
Openers | Class 6: Door openers of metal, non-electric |
Class 7: Electric door openers | |
Class 8: Can openers, non-electric | |
Class 16: Letter openers | |
Class 20: Door openers, not of metal, non-electric | |
Class 21: Bottle openers | |
Ornaments | Class 6: Models (ornaments) made of common metal |
Class 14: Ornamental articles of precious metal | |
Class 16: Models (ornaments) made of paper | |
Class 19: Ornaments made of stone | |
Class 20: Ornaments made of plastics | |
Class 20: Ornaments made of plaster | |
Class 20: Ornaments made of wax | |
Class 20: Ornaments made of wood | |
Class 21: Ornaments made of ceramics | |
Class 21: Ornaments made of earthenware | |
Class 21: Ornaments made of glass | |
Class 26: Hair ornaments | |
Class 26: Ornaments for clothing (not of precious metal) | |
Class 28: Ornaments for Christmas trees (not edible and not lights) | |
Outlets | Class 6: Pipe outlets of metal |
Class 9: Electric socket outlets | |
Class 11: Outlets being parts of sanitary installations | |
Class 17: Pipe outlets, not of metal | |
Class 20: Water outlets (valves of plastic) for water pipes | |
Packaging | Class 6: Packaging containers of metal |
Class 16: Packaging materials made of paper | |
Class 16: Packaging materials made of plastic | |
Class 17: Packaging bags of rubber | |
Class 18: Packaging bags of leather | |
Class 20: Packaging containers of plastic | |
Class 20: Packaging containers made of wood | |
Class 22: Packaging bags of textile | |
Packing | Class 16: Packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of paper or cardboard |
Class 17: Packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber or plastics | |
Class 22: Packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials, not of rubber, plastics, paper or cardboard | |
Packs | Class 3: Facial packs (cosmetic) |
Class 9: Battery packs | |
Class 10: Cold packs for medical purposes | |
Class 16: Plastic bubble packs (for wrapping or packaging) | |
Class 18: Waist packs | |
Class 21: Cold packs for chilling food | |
Padding | Class 10: Padding for orthopaedic casts |
Class 16: Padding materials of paper or cardboard | |
Class 17: Padding materials of rubber or plastics | |
Class 22: Padding materials made of fibrous material | |
Class 27: Carpet padding | |
Class 28: Protective padding for playing sports | |
Padding materials | Class 16: Padding materials of paper or cardboard |
Class 17: Padding materials of rubber or plastics | |
Class 22: Padding materials made of fibrous material | |
Pads | Class 3: Cotton pads for cosmetic use |
Class 5: Eye pads for medical use | |
Class 5: Sanitary pads | |
Class 7: Anti-friction pads for machines | |
Class 9: Mouse pads | |
Class 9: knee pads for workers | |
Class 10: Heating pads, electric, for medical purposes | |
Class 11: Heating pads, electric, not for medical purposes | |
Class 12: Brake pads for vehicles | |
Class 16: Art pads | |
Class 17: Non-slip pads of rubber | |
Class 20: Mattress pads | |
Class 21: Scouring pads | |
Class 25: Pads for shoes (other than orthopaedic) | |
Class 28: Elbow pads for sports use | |
Panelling | Class 6: Modular wall panelling of metal |
Class 12: Panelling for vehicle doors | |
Class 19: Wood panelling | |
Panels | Class 6: Building panels of metal |
Class 9: Touch panels | |
Class 11: Solar panels for use in heating | |
Class 12: Body panels for vehicles | |
Class 16: Canvas panels for artists | |
Class 17: Soundproofing panels | |
Class 19: Building panels, not of metal | |
Class 20: Furniture panels | |
Paper hats | Class 25: Paper hats (clothing) |
Class 28: Paper hats (party novelties) | |
Partitions | Class 6: Partitions of metal for building purposes |
Class 19: Partitions being building materials, not of metal | |
Class 20: Mobile partitions (furniture) | |
Partitioning | Class 6: Partitioning of metal for building purposes |
Class 19: Partitioning being building materials, not of metal | |
Class 20: Mobile partitioning (furniture) | |
Paste | Class 1: Thermal paste |
Class 2: Paste for use in dyeing | |
Class 3: Paste for teeth cleaning | |
Class 16: Paste for stationery or household purposes | |
Class 29: Meat paste | |
Class 30: Curry paste | |
Pastes | Class 1: Thermal pastes |
Class 2: Pastes for use in dyeing | |
Class 3: Pastes for teeth cleaning | |
Class 16: Pastes for stationery or household purposes | |
Class 29: Meat pastes | |
Class 30: Curry pastes | |
Patches | Class 2: Repositionable paint patches |
Class 3: Gel eye patches for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Adhesive patches containing pharmaceutical preparations | |
Class 10: Cooling patches for medical purposes | |
Class 12: Patches for repairing tyres | |
Class 26: Patches for use in the repair of clothing | |
Pegs | Class 6: Pegs of metal |
Class 15: Pegs for musical instruments | |
Class 20: Pegs, not of metal | |
Class 21: Clothes-pegs | |
Pellets | Class 1: Unprocessed plastics in the form of pellets |
Class 4: Fuel pellets | |
Class 17: Extruded polystyrene pellets | |
Class 19: Mineral pellets for use in the building industry | |
Class 30: Salt pellets for preserving foodstuffs | |
Class 31: Pelleted animal feed | |
Class 32: Hop pellets for use in brewing | |
Pest control services | Class 37: Pest control services in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest control services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Pest control | Class 37: Pest control in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest control for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Pest extermination services | Class 37: Pest extermination services in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest extermination services (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) | |
Pest extermination | Class 37: Pest extermination in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest extermination (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) | |
Pest exterminating services | Class 37: Pest exterminating services in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest exterminating services (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) | |
Pest exterminating | Class 37: Pest exterminating in domestic settings |
Class 44: Pest exterminating (for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) | |
Photographs | Class 9: Downloadable digital photographs |
Class 16: Printed photographs | |
Photos | Class 9: Downloadable digital photos |
Class 16: Printed photos | |
Pillars | Class 6: Pillars of metal for building |
Class 19: Pillars, not of metal, for building | |
Pins | Class 6: Pins [metal hardware] |
Class 10: Pins for artificial teeth | |
Class 12: Vehicle bonnet pins | |
Class 14: Pins (jewellery) | |
Class 16: Pins (stationery) | |
Class 20: Curtain pins | |
Class 21: Clothes pins | |
Class 26: Pins for the hair | |
Pipes | Class 6: Rigid pipes of metal |
Class 7: Flexible pipes being parts of machines | |
Class 11: Pipes (parts of sanitary installations) | |
Class 15: Pipes (musical instruments) | |
Class 17: Flexible hose pipes of rubber | |
Class 19: Rigid pipes, not of metal, for building | |
Class 34: Tobacco pipes | |
Planning services | Class 35: Business planning services |
Class 36: Financial planning services | |
Class 41: Party planning services | |
Class 42: Town planning services | |
Class 44: Family planning services | |
Class 45: Wedding ceremony planning services | |
Planning | Class 35: Business planning |
Class 36: Financial planning | |
Class 41: Party planning | |
Class 42: Town planning | |
Class 44: Family planning | |
Class 45: Planning of wedding ceremonies | |
Plaques | Class 6: Common metal commemorative plaques |
Class 14: Commemorative plaques made of precious metal | |
Class 19: Memorial plaques made of marble | |
Class 20: Wall plaques made of plastics | |
Class 21: Plaques of porcelain | |
Platforms | Class 6: Prefabricated metal platforms |
Class 7: Lifting platforms | |
Class 9: Computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable | |
Class 13: Firing platforms (weapons) | |
Class 19: Platforms, prefabricated, not of metal | |
Class 20: Wall mounted baby changing platforms | |
Plugs | Class 6: Metal plugs for baths |
Class 7: Spark plugs for engines | |
Class 9: Electric plugs | |
Class 13: Detonating plugs | |
Class 17: Rubber plugs for baths | |
Class 20: Wall plugs, not of metal | |
Poles | Class 6: Poles of metal |
Class 9: Microphone boom poles | |
Class 10: Assist poles for lifting patients | |
Class 18: Hiking poles | |
Class 19: Poles of plastic for building | |
Class 20: Curtain poles | |
Class 28: Poles for fishing | |
Pools | Class 6: Swimming pools (metal structures) |
Class 19: Swimming pools (structures, not of metal) | |
Class 28: Swimming pools (play articles) being inflatable pools | |
Portfolios | Class 16: Portfolios being stationery cases for holding documents |
Class 18: Portfolios (briefcases) | |
Posts | Class 6: Posts of metal |
Class 11: Lamp posts | |
Class 19: Concrete posts | |
Class 20: Scratching posts for cats | |
Powder | Class 1: Plastics in the form of powder |
Class 2: Paint in powder form | |
Class 3: Cosmetic face powder | |
Class 4: Wax powder for industrial purposes | |
Class 5: Medicated baby powder | |
Class 6: Common metals in powder form | |
Class 13: Explosive powder | |
Class 29: Powder for making milk shakes | |
Class 30: Curry powder | |
Class 32: Powder for effervescing beverages | |
Powders | Class 1: Plastics in the form of powders |
Class 2: Paint powders | |
Class 3: Cosmetic face powders | |
Class 4: Wax powders for industrial purposes | |
Class 5: Medicated baby powders | |
Class 6: Common metal powders | |
Class 13: Explosive powders | |
Class 29: Powders for making milk shakes | |
Class 30: Curry powders | |
Class 32: Powders for effervescing beverages | |
Preparation of reports | Class 35: Preparation of business reports |
Class 36: Preparation of financial reports | |
Class 38: Preparation of reports relating to communications | |
Class 39: Preparation of reports relating to transportation | |
Class 42: Preparation of engineering reports | |
Class 44: Preparation of reports relating to medical matters | |
Class 45: Preparation of legal reports | |
Prepared meals | Class 29: Prepared meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry or vegetables |
Class 30: Prepared meals consisting principally of pasta or rice | |
Preservative | Class 1: Chemical preservative for food |
Class 2: Rust preservative in the nature of a coating | |
Class 3: Leather preservative | |
Preservatives | Class 1: Chemical preservatives for food |
Class 2: Rust preservatives in the nature of a coating | |
Class 3: Leather preservatives | |
Presses | Class 7: Drill presses being machines |
Class 8: Hand operated drill presses | |
Class 11: Tortilla presses, electric | |
Class 16: Stapling presses (office requisites) | |
Class 21: Garlic presses | |
Processing | Class 35: Data processing services |
Class 36: Payment processing services | |
Class 40: Waste processing services | |
Processing services | Class 35: Data processing services |
Class 36: Payment processing services | |
Class 40: Waste processing services | |
Production | Class 35: Production of commercials |
Class 40: Production of electricity | |
Class 41: Production of music | |
Production services | Class 35: Production services for commercials |
Class 40: Electricity production services | |
Class 41: Music production services | |
Profiles | Class 6: Shaped profiles made of metal |
Class 17: Synthetic rubber profiles for use as decorative edge trims for vehicles | |
Class 19: Deck profiles, not of metal | |
Props | Class 6: Props of metal |
Class 10: Toe props for orthopaedic purposes | |
Class 19: Props, not of metal | |
Protectors | Class 3: Sun protectors for lips (cosmetics) |
Class 6: Tree protectors of metal | |
Class 9: Surge protectors | |
Class 10: Mattress protectors for incontinence | |
Class 12: Headlight protectors for vehicles | |
Class 20: Tree protectors, not of metal | |
Class 24: Mattress protectors (other than incontinence) | |
Class 25: Heel protectors for boots and shoes | |
Class 28: Shin protectors for sports use | |
Protein | Class 1: Proteins for use in manufacture |
Class 5: Protein dietary supplements | |
Class 29: Formed textured vegetable protein for use as a meat substitute | |
Class 31: Protein-enriched feed for animal consumption | |
Proteins | Class 1: Proteins for use in manufacture |
Class 5: Protein dietary supplements | |
Class 29: Formed textured vegetable protein for use as a meat substitute | |
Class 31: Protein-enriched feed for animal consumption | |
Provision of facilities | Class 35: Provision of office facilities being the provision of access to office equipment |
Class 36: Provision of credit facilities | |
Class 37: Provision of laundry facilities | |
Class 38: Provision of facilities for radio reception and transmission | |
Class 39: Provision of car parking facilities | |
Class 41: Provision of sports facilities | |
Class 43: Provision of conference facilities | |
Class 44: Provision of medical facilities | |
Publications | Class 9: Electronic publications (downloadable) |
Class 16: Printed publications | |
Class 41: Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable | |
Pulp | Class 1: Cellulose pulp (raw material) |
Class 29: Fruit pulp | |
Class 30: Vegetable pulps (sauces) | |
Pulps | Class 1: Cellulose pulp (raw material) |
Class 29: Fruit pulp | |
Class 30: Vegetable pulps (sauces) | |
Class 31: Starch pulp for animal consumption | |
Pumps | Class 7: Pumps (machines) |
Class 8: Hand pumps | |
Class 9: Fire fighting pumps | |
Class 10: Breast pumps | |
Class 11: Heat pumps | |
Class 12: Pumps for bicycle tyres | |
Class 25: Pumps (footwear) | |
Class 28: Pumps for inflating balls for sports | |
Puree | Class 29: Fruit puree |
Class 30: Garlic puree (condiment) | |
Purees | Class 29: Fruit purees |
Class 30: Garlic purees (condiments) | |
Racks | Class 6: Racks (structures) of metal |
Class 9: Mounting racks adapted for computer hardware | |
Class 12: Roof racks for vehicles | |
Class 16: Document file racks | |
Class 19: Bicycle storage racks not of metal | |
Class 20: Racks (furniture) | |
Class 21: Drying racks for clothes | |
Rails | Class 6: Rails of metal |
Class 11: Heated towel rails | |
Class 19: Rails, not of metal | |
Class 20: Curtain rails | |
Class 21: Towel rails | |
Class 28: Skateboard rails | |
Railings | Class 6: Railings of metal |
Class 19: Railings, not of metal | |
Ramps | Class 6: Ramps of metal |
Class 7: Loading ramps | |
Class 19: Ramps being structures of non-metallic materials | |
Class 20: Plastic ramps for use with vehicles | |
Ratchets | Class 7: Ratchet wrenches, electric |
Class 8: Ratchets (hand tools) | |
Ratchet wrenches | Class 7: Ratchet wrenches, electric |
Class 8: Ratchet wrenches, hand-operated | |
Reagents | Class 1: Diagnostic reagents for industrial purposes |
Class 1: Reagents for scientific purposes | |
Class 5: Reagents for use in medical diagnosis | |
Receptacles | Class 9: Receptacles for contact lenses |
Class 10: Receptacles for applying medicines | |
Class 21: Receptacles for cooling bottles | |
Class 34: Receptacles for cigarette butts | |
Reels | Class 6: Reels of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses |
Class 7: Reels for machines | |
Class 9: Extension cable reels | |
Class 20: Non-mechanical reels of plastic materials for the storage of hoses | |
Class 28: Fishing reels | |
Refills | Class 3: Fragrance refills for reed diffusers |
Class 5: Refills for air deodorisers | |
Class 16: Refills for pencil lead | |
Refilling services | Class 37: Refilling services for toner cartridges |
Class 39: Refilling services for vending machines | |
Refilling | Class 37: Refilling of toner cartridges |
Class 39: Refilling of vending machines | |
Regulators | Class 1: Plant growth regulators |
Class 5: Insect growth regulators | |
Class 7: Regulators being parts of machines | |
Class 9: Voltage regulators | |
Class 11: Heat regulators (valves) being parts of heating installations | |
Relish | Class 29: Pickle relish |
Class 30: Relish (condiment) | |
Relishes | Class 29: Pickle relish |
Class 30: Relish (condiment) | |
Rental | Class 35: Rental of office equipment in co-working facilities |
Class 36: Rental of real estate | |
Class 37: Rental of construction equipment | |
Class 38: Rental of telecommunication apparatus | |
Class 39: Vehicle rental | |
Class 40: Rental of electricity generators | |
Class 41: Rental of sporting apparatus and equipment (except vehicles) | |
Class 42: Rental of computer equipment | |
Class 43: Rental of temporary accommodation | |
Class 44: Rental of sanitary installations | |
Class 45: Clothing rental | |
Rental services | Class 35: Rental of office equipment in co-working facilities |
Class 36: Rental of real estate | |
Class 37: Rental of construction equipment | |
Class 38: Rental of telecommunication apparatus | |
Class 39: Vehicle rental | |
Class 40: Rental of electricity generators | |
Class 41: Rental of sporting apparatus and equipment (except vehicles) | |
Class 42: Rental of computer equipment | |
Class 43: Rental of temporary accommodation | |
Class 44: Rental of sanitary installations | |
Class 45: Clothing rental | |
Repellent | Class 2: Water repellent in the nature of paint |
Class 5: Insect repellent | |
Class 21: Ultrasonic pest repellent devices | |
Repellents | Class 2: Water repellents in the nature of paints |
Class 5: Insect repellents | |
Class 21: Ultrasonic pest repellent devices | |
Reports | Class 16: Reports (printed matter) |
Class 35: Preparation of business reports | |
Class 36: Preparation of financial reports | |
Class 41: Production of teaching reports | |
Class 42: Preparation of scientific reports | |
Class 44: Preparation of reports relating to medical matters | |
Class 45: Preparation of legal reports | |
Reporting | Class 35: Writing of business reports |
Class 36: Preparation of financial reports | |
Class 38: Preparation of reports relating to communications | |
Class 39: Preparation of reports relating to transportation | |
Class 42: Preparation of scientific reports | |
Class 44: Preparation of reports relating to medical matters | |
Research | Class 35: Market research |
Class 36: Financial research | |
Class 41: Educational research | |
Class 42: Scientific research | |
Class 45: Legal research | |
Research services | Class 35: Market research services |
Class 36: Financial research services | |
Class 41: Educational research services | |
Class 42: Scientific research services | |
Class 45: Legal research services | |
Researching | Class 35: Market research |
Class 36: Financial research | |
Class 41: Educational research | |
Class 42: Scientific research | |
Class 45: Legal research | |
Reservation | Class 39: Transport reservation |
Class 41: Reservation services for show tickets | |
Class 43: Temporary accommodation reservation | |
Reservation services | Class 39: Transport reservation services |
Class 41: Reservation services for show tickets | |
Class 43: Temporary accommodation reservation services | |
Reservations | Class 39: Transport reservations |
Class 41: Reservations for show tickets | |
Class 43: Temporary accommodation reservations | |
Resin | Class 1: Synthetic resin, unprocessed |
Class 2: Raw natural resin | |
Class 5: Resin for dental use | |
Class 17: Synthetic resin (semi-processed) | |
Resins | Class 1: Synthetic resins, unprocessed |
Class 2: Raw natural resins | |
Class 5: Resins for dental use | |
Class 17: Synthetic resins (semi-finished) | |
Respite care services | Class 43: Respite care services in the nature of adult day care |
Class 44: Respite care services in the nature of nursing aid | |
Respite care | Class 43: Respite care in the nature of adult day care |
Class 44: Respite care in the nature of nursing aid | |
Restraints | Class 9: Safety restraints (other than for vehicle seats and sports equipment) |
Class 10: Patient safety restraints | |
Class 12: Head restraints for vehicles | |
Retardant | Class 1: Fire retardant preparations |
Class 2: Fire retardant paint | |
Retardants | Class 1: Fire retardants |
Class 2: Fire retardant paints | |
Ribbon | Class 16: Paper ribbon, other than haberdashery or hair decorations |
Class 26: Hair ribbon | |
Class 28: Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon | |
Ribbons | Class 16: Paper ribbons, other than for haberdashery or hair decorations |
Class 26: Hair ribbons | |
Class 28: Rhythmic gymnastics ribbons | |
Rings | Class 6: Rings of metal |
Class 7: Piston rings | |
Class 9: Smart rings | |
Class 10: Teething rings | |
Class 14: Rings (jewellery) | |
Class 17: Rings of rubber | |
Class 20: Rings for curtains | |
Class 21: Napkin rings | |
Class 28: Rings for sports | |
Class 29: Onion rings | |
Rods | Class 6: Rods of common metal |
Class 7: Connecting rods (parts of motors and engines) | |
Class 9: Rods (surveying instruments) | |
Class 11: Heating rods | |
Class 17: Extruded plastics in the form of rods for use in manufacture | |
Class 19: Glass rods for building | |
Class 20: Curtain rods | |
Class 21: Rods of glass for use in manufacture | |
Class 28: Fishing rods | |
Rollers | Class 6: Garage door rollers of metal |
Class 7: Rollers for printing machines | |
Class 8: Wallpaper seam rollers | |
Class 10: Foam massage rollers | |
Class 16: Paint rollers | |
Class 20: Rollers, not of metal, for doors | |
Class 21: Adhesive rollers for cleaning | |
Class 26: Hair rollers | |
Rolls | Class 3: Abrasive rolls |
Class 7: Rolls being parts of machines | |
Class 14: Jewellery rolls | |
Class 16: Paper toilet rolls | |
Class 29: Stuffed cabbage rolls | |
Class 30: Bread rolls | |
Roofs | Class 6: Roofs of metal |
Class 19: Non-metallic roofs | |
Class 37: Repair of roofs | |
Rooves | Class 6: Rooves of metal |
Class 12: Folding rooves for motor vehicles | |
Class 19: Non-metallic rooves | |
Class 37: Repair of rooves | |
Roofing | Class 6: Metal roofing |
Class 19: Non-metallic roofing | |
Class 37: Installation of roofing | |
Rulers | Class 9: Rulers (measuring instruments) |
Class 16: Rulers for drawing | |
Runners | Class 6: Runners of metal for sliding doors |
Class 16: Table runners of paper | |
Class 20: Runners, not of metal, for sliding doors | |
Class 24: Table runners, not of paper | |
Class 27: Runners (mats) | |
Sachets | Class 3: Fragrance sachets |
Class 16: Sachets of paper for use as packaging materials | |
Class 24: Jewellery sachets | |
Sacks | Class 16: Paper sacks |
Class 18: Travelling sacks | |
Class 22: Sacks for the transport of materials | |
Safety restraints | Class 9: Safety restraints (other than for vehicle seats and sports equipment) |
Class 10: Patient safety restraints | |
Class 12: Safety restraints for vehicle seats | |
Salad | Class 29: Fruit salad |
Class 30: Pasta salad | |
Salads | Class 29: Fruit salads |
Class 30: Pasta salads | |
Salves | Class 3: Salves (non-medicated) |
Class 5: Salves (medicated) | |
Saws | Class 7: Power operated saws |
Class 8: Hand saws | |
Class 10: Surgical saws | |
Scoops | Class 8: Scoops for the disposal of pet waste (hand tools) |
Class 9: Measuring scoops | |
Class 21: Scoops for household purposes | |
Scrapers | Class 6: Door scrapers of metal |
Class 7: Scrapers (machines) | |
Class 8: Scrapers (hand tools) | |
Class 10: Tongue scrapers | |
Class 16: Scrapers (erasers) for offices | |
Class 21: Shoe scrapers incorporating brushes | |
Screening | Class 6: Structures of metal for screening |
Class 20: Wall screening (furniture) for offices | |
Class 22: Windbreaks (screening) | |
Screens | Class 6: Insect screens of metal |
Class 7: Paper pulp screens (machines) | |
Class 9: Visual display screens | |
Class 10: Radiology screens for medical purposes | |
Class 11: Bath screens | |
Class 19: Non-metal window screens | |
Class 20: Screens (furniture) | |
Class 22: Textile screens for protection against the wind | |
Screws | Class 6: Screws of metal |
Class 10: Bone screws | |
Class 20: Screws, not of metal | |
Scrubs | Class 3: Body scrubs |
Class 5: Scrubs (preparations) for medical use | |
Class 10: Surgical scrubs | |
Sculpture | Class 6: Ornamental sculptures of common metal |
Class 14: Sculptures made from precious metal | |
Class 16: Sculptures made from paper | |
Class 19: Sculptures made from concrete | |
Class 19: Sculptures made from stone | |
Class 20: Sculptures made from plastic | |
Class 20: Sculptures made from wood | |
Class 21: Sculptures of porcelain, terracotta or glass | |
Sculptures | Class 6: Ornamental sculptures of common metal |
Class 14: Sculptures made from precious metal | |
Class 16: Sculptures made from paper | |
Class 19: Sculptures made from concrete | |
Class 19: Sculptures made from stone | |
Class 20: Sculptures made from plastic | |
Class 20: Sculptures made from wood | |
Class 21: Sculptures of porcelain, terracotta or glass | |
Seals | Class 6: Lead seals |
Class 8: Mechanical seals (machine parts) | |
Class 16: Seals (stamps) | |
Class 17: Seals, not of metal, for pipes | |
Sealants | Class 1: Sealants (chemicals) for the sealing of surfaces |
Class 2: Rust proofing sealants | |
Class 17: Sealants for joints | |
Class 17: Silicone rubber sealants | |
Class 19: Tar-based sealants for roofing (building materials) | |
Sealing agents | Class 1: Sealing preparations for repairing tyres |
Class 2: Anti-rust sealing preparations | |
Class 17: Preparations for sealing joints | |
Class 19: Tar-based sealing preparations for roofing (building materials) | |
Sealing preparations | Class 1: Sealing preparations for repairing tyres |
Class 2: Anti-rust sealing preparations | |
Class 17: Preparations for sealing joints | |
Class 19: Tar-based sealing preparations for roofing (building materials) | |
Serum | Class 1: Serum samples for scientific purposes |
Class 3: Serum for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Serum for medical purposes | |
Serums | Class 1: Serum samples for scientific purposes |
Class 3: Serums for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Serums for medical purposes | |
Shafts | Class 6: Chimney shafts of metal |
Class 7: Transmission shafts (other than for land vehicles) | |
Class 8: Spindle shafts (parts of hand-operated tools) | |
Class 12: Drive shafts for land vehicles | |
Class 19: Chimney shafts, not of metal | |
Class 28: Shafts for golf clubs | |
Sheets | Class 3: Abrasive sheets |
Class 6: Sheets of common metal | |
Class 10: Sterile surgical sheets | |
Class 16: Sheets of paper (stationery) | |
Class 17: Plastic sheets for use in manufacture | |
Class 19: Non-metallic building sheets | |
Class 21: Biscuit sheets | |
Class 22: Dust sheets | |
Class 24: Bed sheets | |
Sheeting | Class 6: Sheeting of common metal |
Class 17: Plastic sheeting for use in manufacture | |
Class 19: Non-metallic sheeting for building | |
Class 22: Plastic sheeting for use as drop cloths | |
Sherbet | Class 30: Sherbet (confectionery) |
Class 32: Sherbet (beverages) | |
Sherbets | Class 30: Sherbets (confectionery) |
Class 32: Sherbets (beverages) | |
Shields | Class 6: Commemorative shields of common metal |
Class 9: Riot shields | |
Class 10: Face shields for medical use | |
Class 16: Shields (paper seals) | |
Class 20: Commemorative shields made of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Shutters | Class 6: Shutters of metal |
Class 9: Shutters for cameras | |
Class 19: Shutters, not of metal | |
Signs | Class 6: Signs of metal (non-luminous and non-mechanical) |
Class 9: Digital signs | |
Class 16: Signs of paper | |
Class 19: Non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, not of metal | |
Slabs | Class 6: Slabs of common metal for building |
Class 19: Non-metallic building slabs | |
Sleeves | Class 6: Sleeves (metal hardware) |
Class 9: Sleeves for record albums | |
Class 16: Sleeves for holding and protecting stamps | |
Class 17: Insulating sleeves for machinery | |
Snack bars | Class 29: Nut and dried fruit based snack bars |
Class 30: Muesli based snack bars | |
Class 43: Snack bar services (provision of food and drink) | |
Snack food | Class 29: Potato snack foods |
Class 30: Cereal based snack food | |
Snack foods | Class 29: Potato snack foods |
Class 30: Cereal based snack foods | |
Snacks | Class 29: Potato snacks |
Class 30: Cereal based snacks | |
Sockets | Class 7: Sockets (parts for machines) |
Class 8: Socket wrenches (hand-operated tools) | |
Class 9: Electrical sockets | |
Class 11: Sockets for electric lights | |
Solvent | Class 1: Cleaning solvent for use in manufacturing processes |
Class 2: Solvent for thinning paints | |
Class 3: Cleaning solvent, other than for use in manufacturing processes | |
Class 5: Solvent for removing adhesive plasters | |
Solvents | Class 1: Cleaning solvents for use in manufacturing processes |
Class 2: Solvents for thinning paints | |
Class 3: Cleaning solvents, other than for use in manufacturing processes | |
Class 5: Solvents for removing adhesive plasters | |
Souvenir | Class 8: Souvenir collector spoons |
Class 16: Souvenir banknotes | |
Class 18: Souvenir bags | |
Class 21: Souvenir plates | |
Souvenirs | Class 8: Souvenir collector spoons |
Class 16: Souvenir banknotes | |
Class 18: Souvenir bags | |
Class 21: Souvenir plates | |
Spanners | Class 7: Power-driven spanners |
Class 8: Hand-operated spanners | |
Spools | Class 6: Winding spools of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses |
Class 9: Spools (photography) | |
Class 16: Spools for inking ribbons | |
Class 20: Winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses | |
Spray | Class 1: De-icing spray for windscreens |
Class 2: Decorative spray coatings | |
Class 3: Spray cleaners | |
Class 5: Throat spray (medicated) | |
Class 13: Personal defence spray | |
Class 29: Vegetable oil spray for use in cooking | |
Sprays | Class 1: De-icing sprays for windscreens |
Class 2: Decorative coating sprays | |
Class 3: Sprays for cleaning | |
Class 5: Throat sprays (medicated) | |
Class 13: Personal defence sprays | |
Class 29: Vegetable oil sprays for use in cooking | |
Spread | Class 29: Nut-based spread |
Class 30: Chocolate-based spread | |
Spreads | Class 29: Nut-based spreads |
Class 30: Chocolate-based spreads | |
Springs | Class 6: Metal springs |
Class 7: Springs (parts of machines) | |
Class 12: Springs for vehicle suspension units | |
Class 14: Watch springs | |
Class 20: Door springs, not of metal, non-electric | |
Stabilisers | Class 1: Chemical stabilisers for preserving foodstuffs |
Class 9: Voltage stabilisers | |
Class 12: Bicycle stabilisers | |
Class 13: Pistol stabilisers | |
Stabilizers | Class 1: Chemical stabilisers for preserving foodstuffs |
Class 9: Voltage stabilisers | |
Class 12: Bicycle stabilisers | |
Class 13: Pistol stabilisers | |
Stamps | Class 3: Cosmetic stamps, filled |
Class 7: Rubber stamps (parts of machines) | |
Class 8: Stamps (hand tools) | |
Class 16: Postage stamps | |
Class 21: Biscuit stamps | |
Stands | Class 6: Stands being metallic structures |
Class 7: Machine stands | |
Class 9: Camera stands | |
Class 11: Stands for lights | |
Class 12: Bicycle stands | |
Class 13: Firearm stands | |
Class 15: Stands for musical instruments | |
Class 16: Stands for writing implements | |
Class 20: Display stands | |
Class 21: Stands for dishes | |
Class 28: Bag stands for golf bags | |
Staplers | Class 7: Power staplers |
Class 8: Hand-held garden staplers (tools for tying plants) | |
Class 10: Staplers for surgical purposes | |
Class 16: Office staplers | |
Starch | Class 1: Starch for industrial purposes |
Class 3: Laundry starch | |
Class 5: Starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes | |
Class 30: Starch for food | |
Statues | Class 6: Statues of common metal |
Class 14: Statues of precious metal | |
Class 19: Statues of stone, concrete or marble | |
Class 20: Statues of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Class 21: Statues of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware, terra-cotta or glass | |
Statuettes | Class 6: Statuettes of common metal |
Class 14: Statuettes of precious metal | |
Class 19: Statuettes of stone, concrete or marble | |
Class 20: Statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Class 21: Statuettes of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware, terra-cotta or glass | |
Sticks | Class 3: Incense sticks |
Class 5: Cotton sticks for medical purposes | |
Class 8: Nail orange sticks | |
Class 9: Selfie sticks (hand-held monopods) | |
Class 15: Drumsticks | |
Class 16: Stick markers | |
Class 18: Walking sticks | |
Class 21: Dental sticks for personal use | |
Class 26: Sticks for use in styling the hair | |
Class 28: Hockey sticks | |
Class 29: Cheese sticks | |
Class 30: Rice sticks | |
Straps | Class 5: Straps impregnated with insecticides |
Class 6: Straps of metal | |
Class 9: Straps for sunglasses | |
Class 12: Toe straps for use on cargo bicycles | |
Class 13: Shoulder straps for weapons | |
Class 14: Watch straps | |
Class 15: Straps for musical instruments | |
Class 18: Luggage straps | |
Class 22: Tie-down straps, not of metal | |
Class 25: Gaiter straps | |
Strapping | Class 6: Strappings made of metal |
Class 22: Nylon strapping for securing loads | |
Strips | Class 1: Test strips impregnated with reagents for testing swimming pool water |
Class 3: Teeth whitening strips | |
Class 5: Test strips for measuring blood glucose levels | |
Class 6: Steel strips | |
Class 9: Power strips | |
Class 12: Protective strips for vehicle bodies | |
Class 16: Binding strips (bookbinding) | |
Class 17: Non-metallic sealing strips | |
Class 19: Strips of plastic for building | |
Class 22: Strips for tying-up vines | |
Class 26: Strips of plastics for use in decorating hair | |
Structures | Class 6: Building structures of metal |
Class 17: Sound insulating structures of metal | |
Class 19: Non-metallic building structures | |
Class 22: Temporary structures made of fabrics | |
Struts | Class 6: Shoring struts of metal |
Class 12: Suspension struts for vehicles | |
Class 19: Shoring struts, not of metal | |
Studs | Class 6: Bale studs of metal |
Class 12: Studs for tyres | |
Class 14: Ear studs | |
Class 25: Studs for football boots | |
Class 26: Studs for clothing | |
Class 44: Stud services for animals | |
Stuffing | Class 16: Stuffing of paper or cardboard |
Class 17: Stuffing of plastic | |
Class 22: Stuffing of straw | |
Class 30: Bread-based stuffing mixes | |
Stuffing materials | Class 16: Stuffing materials of paper or cardboard |
Class 17: Stuffing materials of rubber | |
Class 22: Stuffing materials of straw | |
Sumps | Class 6: Sumps (structures) of metal |
Class 7: Sumps being parts of vehicle gearboxes (other than land vehicle) | |
Class 12: Sumps being parts of land vehicle gearboxes | |
Class 19: Non-metallic sumps (structures) | |
Supports | Class 6: Ceiling supports of metal |
Class 9: Wrist supports for use with computer peripherals | |
Class 10: Back supports for medical purposes | |
Class 17: Insulated pipe supports, not of metal | |
Class 19: Non-metal gutter supports | |
Class 20: Book supports | |
Class 21: Grill supports | |
Class 26: Stiffening supports for collars | |
Class 28: Fishing rod supports | |
Swabs | Class 3: Cotton wool swabs for cosmetic use |
Class 5: Medicated swabs | |
Class 9: Cotton swabs for laboratory use | |
Class 21: Cleaning swabs for household purposes | |
Syringes | Class 5: Pre-filled syringes for medical purposes |
Class 8: Syringes for spraying insecticides | |
Class 10: Syringes for medical purposes | |
Class 21: Syringes for watering flowers and plants | |
Syrup | Class 5: Cough syrup |
Class 30: Maple syrup | |
Class 32: Syrup for making beverages | |
Syrups | Class 5: Cough syrups |
Class 30: Maple syrups | |
Class 32: Syrups for making beverages | |
Tablets | Class 3: Tablets for cleaning dentures |
Class 5: Tablets (pharmaceuticals) | |
Class 9: Tablet computers | |
Class 30: Yeast tablets for culinary purposes | |
Tacks | Class 6: Tacks of metal |
Class 14: Tie tacks | |
Class 16: Thumb tacks (stationery) | |
Class 20: Non-metallic tacks | |
Class 6: Identification tags of metal | |
Class 9: Electronic tags for security control purposes | |
Class 14: Key tags of plastic | |
Class 16: Tags made of paper or cardboard | |
Class 18: Baggage tags | |
Class 20: Identification tags, not of metal | |
Class 21: Decanter tags | |
Class 24: Sew-on tags made of textile for clothing | |
Class 26: Name tags of textile for identifying clothing | |
Class 28: Golf bag tags | |
Tanks | Class 6: Storage tanks made of metal |
Class 7: Expansion tanks (parts of machines) | |
Class 11: Septic tanks | |
Class 12: Petrol tanks for vehicles | |
Class 13: Tanks (weapons) | |
Class 19: Storage tanks of masonry | |
Class 20: Plastic water tanks | |
Class 21: Indoor fish tanks | |
Tape | Class 2: Anti-corrosion tape |
Class 3: Adhesive tape for affixing false hair | |
Class 5: Adhesive tape for medical use | |
Class 8: Fish tape (hand tools) | |
Class 9: Magnetic tape | |
Class 10: Kinesiology tape | |
Class 16: Adhesive tape for stationery or household purposes | |
Class 17: Insulating tape | |
Class 19: Pavement marking tape | |
Class 21: Dental tape | |
Class 22: Ladder tape for venetian blinds | |
Class 26: Tape for use in making hems | |
Class 28: Grip tape for racquets | |
Tapes | Class 2: Anti-corrosion tapes |
Class 3: Adhesive tapes for affixing false hair | |
Class 5: Adhesive tapes for medical use | |
Class 8: Fish tapes (hand tools) | |
Class 9: Magnetic tapes | |
Class 10: Kinesiology tapes | |
Class 16: Adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes | |
Class 17: Insulating tapes | |
Class 19: Pavement marking tapes | |
Class 21: Dental tape | |
Class 22: Ladder tapes for venetian blinds | |
Class 26: Tapes for use in making hems | |
Class 28: Grip tapes for racquets | |
Tax advisory services | Class 35: Tax advisory services (accountancy) |
Class 36: Financial advisory services relating to tax | |
Tax advice | Class 35: Tax advice (accountancy) |
Class 36: Financial advice relating to tax | |
Tax services | Class 35: Tax services (accountancy) |
Class 36: Tax services (financial) | |
Templates | Class 9: Downloadable graphic design templates |
Class 16: Drawing templates | |
Terminals | Class 9: Computer terminals |
Class 11: Ventilation terminals | |
Class 28: Video lottery terminals (gaming machines) | |
Testing | Class 35: Psychological testing for the selection of personnel |
Class 41: Educational testing | |
Class 42: Testing for computers | |
Class 44: Medical testing | |
Testing services | Class 35: Psychological testing services for the selection of personnel |
Class 41: Educational testing services | |
Class 42: Testing services for computers | |
Class 44: Medical testing services | |
Thickener | Class 2: Thickener for paints |
Class 3: Hair thickener | |
Class 30: Thickener for cooking foodstuffs | |
Thickeners | Class 2: Thickeners for paints |
Class 3: Hair thickeners | |
Class 30: Thickeners for cooking foodstuffs | |
Ties | Class 6: Cable ties of metal |
Class 19: Railroad ties, not of metal | |
Class 22: Plastic ties for home or garden use | |
Class 25: Ties (clothing) | |
Tiles | Class 6: Metal tiles for building |
Class 19: Non-metallic building tiles | |
Class 20: Mirror tiles | |
Class 27: Carpet tiles | |
Tins | Class 6: Tins of metal |
Class 21: Baking tins | |
Class 34: Tobacco tins | |
Tissue cultures | Class 1: Biological tissue cultures for scientific or research purposes |
Class 5: Biological tissue cultures for medical use | |
Tissue | Class 1: Biological tissue cultures for scientific or research purposes |
Class 5: Biological tissue cultures for medical use | |
Tissues | Class 3: Tissues impregnated with cosmetics |
Class 5: Tissues impregnated medicated preparations | |
Class 16: Paper tissues | |
Class 24: Tissues for removing make-up, other than impregnated with cosmetics | |
Toner | Class 2: Toner for printers and photocopiers |
Class 3: Toner for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Toner for medical purposes | |
Toners | Class 2: Toner for printers and photocopiers |
Class 3: Toners for cosmetic purposes | |
Class 5: Toners for medical purposes | |
Tonics | Class 3: Tonics for cosmetic use |
Class 5: Tonics (medicines) | |
Class 32: Tonic water (non-medicated beverages) | |
Tools | Class 7: Power tools |
Class 8: Hand held tools, hand-operated | |
Class 21: Kitchen tools (utensils, not electric) | |
Class 28: Toy tools | |
Tourist agency services | Class 39: Tourist agency services (travel) |
Class 43: Tourist agency services for booking accommodation | |
Tourist agency | Class 39: Tourist agency services (travel) |
Class 43: Tourist agency services for booking accommodation | |
Tourist agencies | Class 39: Tourist agency services (travel) |
Class 43: Tourist agency services for booking accommodation | |
Towels | Class 3: Paper hand towels impregnated with cleaning agents |
Class 5: Sanitary towels | |
Class 16: Paper kitchen towels | |
Class 24: Bath towels | |
Tracing | Class 39: Tracing services for letters and parcels |
Class 45: Tracing of fugitives | |
Tracing services | Class 39: Tracing services for letters and parcels |
Class 45: Lost key tracing services | |
Tracking services | Class 39: Tracking services for letters and parcels |
Class 45: Tracking of stolen property | |
Tracking | Class 39: Tracking and tracing services for letters and parcels |
Class 45: Tracking of stolen property | |
Traps | Class 6: Traps for wild animals |
Class 7: Steam traps | |
Class 19: Rain traps, not of metal | |
Class 21: Mouse traps | |
Class 28: Clay pigeon traps | |
Travel agency | Class 39: Travel agency services for arranging travel |
Class 43: Travel agency services for booking accommodation | |
Travel agency services | Class 39: Travel agency services for arranging travel |
Class 43: Travel agency services for booking accommodation | |
Travel agencies | Class 39: Travel agency services for arranging travel |
Class 43: Travel agency services for booking accommodation | |
Trays | Class 6: Trays of metal |
Class 9: Laboratory trays | |
Class 10: Dental impression trays | |
Class 11: Shower trays | |
Class 16: Letter trays | |
Class 20: Plastic trays (containers) used in food packaging | |
Class 21: Baking trays | |
Class 26: Trays for sewing articles | |
Treatment services | Class 37: Anti-rust treatment services for vehicles |
Class 40: Services for the treatment (purification) of water | |
Class 44: Beauty treatment services | |
Treatment | Class 37: Anti-rust treatment for vehicles |
Class 40: Treatment (purification) of water | |
Class 44: Beauty treatment services | |
Trim | Class 6: Metal door trims |
Class 20: Window trim, not of metal | |
Trims | Class 6: Metal door trims |
Class 20: Window trim, not of metal | |
Trimmings | Class 18: Leather trimmings for furniture |
Class 26: Trimmings for clothing | |
Trophies | Class 6: Trophies made of common metals and their alloys |
Class 14: Trophies made of precious metals | |
Class 19: trophies of stone or marble | |
Class 20: Trophies made of plastic | |
Class 21: Trophies made of glass | |
Troughs | Class 6: Troughs of metal for mixing mortar |
Class 20: Troughs, not of metal, for mixing mortar | |
Class 21: Feeding troughs | |
Truffles | Class 29: Truffles, preserved |
Class 30: Chocolate truffles | |
Class 31: Fresh truffles | |
Tubing | Class 6: Metal tubing |
Class 7: Tubing being fitted parts of machines | |
Class 10: Medical tubing | |
Class 21: glass tubing for making signs | |
Tubes | Class 6: Metal tubes |
Class 7: Boiler tubes (parts of machines) | |
Class 9: Test tubes | |
Class 10: Tubes for enteral feeding | |
Class 11: Luminous tubes for lighting | |
Class 12: Inner tubes for vehicle tyres | |
Class 16: Cardboard tubes | |
Class 17: Flexible tubes, not of metal | |
Class 19: Plastic tubes for building | |
Class 21: Glass tubes for household use | |
Class 34: Cigarette tubes | |
Tubs | Class 11: Bath tubs |
Class 20: Tubs of plastic | |
Class 21: Infant bath tubs | |
Turf | Class 27: Artificial turf |
Class 31: Natural turf | |
Turrets | Class 6: Turrets (structures) of metal |
Class 13: Gun turrets | |
Class 19: Non-metallic roof turrets | |
Units | Class 6: Metal door units |
Class 9: Electronic display units | |
Class 11: Heating units | |
Class 19: door units, not of metal | |
Class 20: Units (furniture) | |
Utensils | Class 11: Cooking utensils, electric |
Class 16: Writing utensils | |
Class 21: Cosmetic utensils | |
Class 21: Kitchen utensils | |
Valves | Class 6: Valves of metal (other than parts of machines) |
Class 7: Valves (parts of machines) | |
Class 9: Electronic valves (thermionic) | |
Class 10: artificial cardiac valves | |
Class 11: Shower mixing valves | |
Class 12: Valves for vehicle tyres | |
Class 15: Valves for musical instruments | |
Class 17: Valves of rubber | |
Class 18: Valves of leather | |
Class 19: Water control valves (not of metal or plastic) | |
Class 20: Valves of plastic, other than parts of machines | |
Vents | Class 6: Roof vents of metal for residential and commercial buildings |
Class 11: Ceiling vents | |
Vermin extermination | Class 37: Vermin extermination (other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry) |
Class 44: Vermin extermination for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Vermin extermination services | Class 37: Vermin extermination services (other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry) |
Class 44: Vermin extermination services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Vermin exterminating services | Class 37: Vermin exterminating services (other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry) |
Class 44: Vermin exterminating services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Vermin exterminating | Class 37: Vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry) |
Class 44: Vermin exterminating for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry | |
Vessels | Class 6: General purpose metal storage vessels |
Class 10: Urinals being vessels | |
Class 11: Vessels of metal for making ices and iced beverages, electric | |
Class 12: Fishing vessels | |
Class 21: Drinking vessels | |
Washers | Class 6: Washers of metal |
Class 7: Washer-dryers | |
Class 11: Washers for water taps | |
Class 17: Washers of rubber or vulcanised fibre | |
Class 20: Spring washers of plastic | |
Washes | Class 3: Body washes |
Class 5: Medicated washes | |
Waters | Class 1: Purified waters for industrial use |
Class 3: Scented waters | |
Class 5: Waters (beverage) for medical use | |
Class 32: Flavoured waters | |
Water | Class 1: Purified water for industrial use |
Class 3: Scented waters | |
Class 5: Water (beverage) for medical use | |
Class 30: Water ices | |
Class 32: Water (beverage) other than for medical use | |
Class 39: Storage of water | |
Class 39: Water supplying | |
Class 40: Water treating | |
Weapons | Class 8: Blades (weapons) |
Class 13: Weapon for launching projectiles | |
Class 28: Toy weapons | |
Webs | Class 17: Plastic webs |
Class 19: Webs of paper-backed plastics for building | |
Class 28: Swimming webs | |
Webbing | Class 22: Synthetic webbing |
Class 24: Tensioning webbing for upholstery | |
Wellbeing services | Class 41: Wellbeing services being health and fitness training |
Class 44: Wellbeing services being health and nutritional advice | |
Class 45: Wellbeing services being spiritual guidance and personal empowerment subject matters | |
Wellness services | Class 41: Wellness services being health and fitness training |
Class 44: Wellness services being health and nutritional advice | |
Class 45: Wellness services being spiritual guidance and personal empowerment subject matters | |
Wheels | Class 7: Cog wheels being parts of machines |
Class 8: Pattern wheels | |
Class 9: Measuring wheels | |
Class 12: Wheels for vehicles | |
Class 20: Wheels for beds | |
Class 28: Wheels for toy vehicles | |
Whistles | Class 9: Signalling whistles |
Class 15: Whistles [musical instruments] | |
Class 28: Toy whistles | |
Window pulleys | Class 6: Window pulleys of metal |
Class 19: Window pulleys not of metal | |
Window fasteners | Class 6: Window fasteners of metal |
Class 19: Window fasteners not of metal | |
Window fittings | Class 6: Window fittings of metal |
Class 19: Window fittings not of metal | |
Window trims | Class 6: Window trims of metal |
Class 19: Window trims not of metal | |
Window openers and closers | Class 6: Window openers and closers of metal |
Class 19: Window openers and closers not of metal | |
Window handles | Class 6: Window handles of metal |
Class 19: Window handles not of metal | |
Window frames | Class 6: Window frames of metal |
Class 19: Window frames of metal | |
Windows | Class 6: Windows of metal |
Class 12: Windows for vehicles | |
Class 19: Windows, not of metal | |
Wipes | Class 3: Wipes incorporating cleaning preparations |
Class 5: Antibacterial wipes | |
Class 16: Paper wipes for cleaning | |
Class 21: Non-impregnated cleaning wipes other than paper | |
Wood shavings | Class 4: Wood shavings for lighting fires |
Class 22: Wood shavings for stuffing | |
Class 31: Wood shavings for animal bedding | |
Works of art | Class 6: Works of art of common metal |
Class 14: Works of art of precious metal | |
Class 16: Works of art (paintings) | |
Class 19: Works of art of stone, concrete or marble | |
Class 20: Works of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic | |
Class 21: Works of art, of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware, terra-cotta or glass | |
Wrappers | Class 16: Wrappers (stationery) |
Class 22: Straw wrappers for bottles | |
Class 34: Cigarette wrappers | |
Wrap | Class 5: Sanitary wrap (diapers) |
Class 6: Metal tie wraps | |
Class 16: Paper gift wraps | |
Class 17: Fire wraps | |
Class 18: Horse tail wraps | |
Class 25: Wrap (clothing) | |
Class 30: Bread wraps | |
Wraps | Class 5: Sanitary wrap (diapers) |
Class 6: Metal tie wraps | |
Class 16: Paper gift wraps | |
Class 17: Fire wraps | |
Class 18: Horse tail wraps | |
Class 25: Wrap (clothing) | |
Class 30: Bread wraps | |
Wrapping material | Class 6: Wrapping foils of metal |
Class 16: Wrapping paper | |
Class 17: Vinyl wrapping for vehicle exteriors | |
Class 22: Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal | |
Class 24: Wrapping cloths | |
Wrapping materials | Class 6: Wrapping foils of metal |
Class 16: Wrapping paper | |
Class 17: Vinyl wrapping for vehicle exteriors | |
Class 22: Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal | |
Class 24: Wrapping cloths | |
Wrapping | Class 6: Wrapping foils of metal |
Class 16: Wrapping paper | |
Class 17: Vinyl wrapping for vehicle exteriors | |
Class 22: Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal | |
Class 24: Wrapping cloths | |
Packaging materials | Class 6: Aluminium foils being packaging materials |
Class 16: Packaging material of plastic | |
Class 16: Packaging material made of paper | |
Class 20: Packaging materials being plastic shipping and storage boxes | |
Class 22: Bags made of textile material for packaging | |
Packaging material | Class 6: Aluminium foils being packaging material |
Class 16: Packaging material of plastic | |
Class 16: Packaging material made of paper | |
Class 20: Packaging materials being plastic shipping and storage boxes | |
Class 22: Bags made of textile material for packaging | |
Writing | Class 35: Writing of business reports |
Class 35: Copy writing | |
Class 35: Writing of publicity texts | |
Class 41: Commissioned writing (plays, musicals or for publications) | |
Class 41: Writing of texts | |
Class 42: Technical writing | |
Class 42: Writing of computer software | |
Class 45: Personal letter writing |
Amended Reasons
Amended Reason | Date Amended |
List updated. |
removed extra column on table |
Deleted terms to accord with MGS |
Headings readded. |
New page created. |