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Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
41.3. Cancellation process

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

39.7. Registration process

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

39.4. Timing

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

38.1. What is revocation of acceptance?

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

39.1. Overview of registration

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

35.8. Variation of rules

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

35.7. Opposition to the registration of a certification trade mark

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

35. Relevant Legislation

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

35.6. Assessment by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

24.2. Request for a voluntary disclaimer

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

18.3. Rejection of an application for registration

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

17. Annex A1 - Deferment of acceptance date - Grounds and time limits

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

18.1. Introduction

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

15.6. Extensions of time of more than three months

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

15.1. When the general provision applies

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

14.4. Classification procedures in examination

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

14.2. The classification system

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

14. Relevant Legislation

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

10.3. Representation of the Trade Mark - General

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

9.8. Process for amendments under subsection 63(1)

Terminology updated to reflect legislative changes.

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