Recent updates

Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
55.2. Award of costs

Outdated reference to official notice removed

52.2.What is a hearing?

Official notice hyperlink updated.

14.3. Requirement for a clear specification and for correct classification

Amended post MGS implementation

14.1. The purpose of classification

Amended post MGS implementation

14.6. Wording of the specification

Amended post MGS implementation

14.5. Principles of classification and finding the correct class for specific items

Amended post MGS implementation

14.7. Interpretation of specifications

Amended post MGS implementation

2. Why file a Divisional application?

Page republished.

52.3. Is a hearing always necessary?

Hyperlinks updated

54.2. Summonsing a witness

Hyperlinks updated

55. Relevant Legislation

Hyperlinks updated

55.7. Security for costs

Hyperlinks updated

51. Relevant Legislation

Updates to references to the Federal Circuit Court

46.2. The Registrar's role in an opposition

Updates to references to the Federal Circuit Court

52.1. What is a decision?

Hyperlinks updated

54. Relevant Legislation

Hyperlinks updated

55.1. Legislative Basis

Hyperlinks updated

55.6. Costs recovery

Hyperlinks updated

62.6. Right of appeal: revocation of registration

Hyperlinks and references to the Federal Circuit Court updated

52.4. Role and powers of the Registrar in hearings

Hyperlinks updated

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