Recent updates

Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
52.5. Rights of appeal from decisions of the Registrar

Hyperlinks and references to the Federal Circuit Court updated

54. Relevant Legislation

Hyperlinks updated

54.2. Summonsing a witness

Hyperlinks updated

52. Relevant Legislation

Hyperlinks updated

52.1. What is a decision?

Hyperlinks updated

52.3. Is a hearing always necessary?

Hyperlinks updated

52.4. Role and powers of the Registrar in hearings

Hyperlinks updated

51.8. Rights of appeal

Hyperlinks and references to the Federal Circuit Court updated

51.7. Award of costs

Hyperlinks updated

51.6. Dismissal or discontinuance of proceedings

Hyperlinks updated

51.5. Hearing of the opposition

Updated hyperlinks

51.3. Cooling-Off Period

Hyperlinks updated

51.2. Extension of the period for filing evidence

Hyperlinks updated

51.1. Evidence

Hyperlinks updated

49.5. Opposition may proceed in the name of another person

Hyperlinks updated

49.4. Notice of intention to defend

Hyperlinks updated

49.3. Amendment to notice of intention to oppose or statement of grounds and particulars

Hyperlinks updated

49. Relevant Legislation

Hyperlinks updated

48.14. Right of appeal

Hyperlinks and references to the Federal Circuit Court updated.

48.15. Certificate - Use of a trade mark

Hyperlinks updated

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