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Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason
10.5. Specification of goods and/or services

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

10. Landing Page

Rename to Landing page, add published date and Act/Reg links.

10. Annex A1 - Abbreviations of types of companies recognised as bodies corporate

Turn off publish date.

10.2. Formality requirements - Identity

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

10.7. Signature

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

10.1. Formality requirements - Name

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links. Clarification of ownership requirements for Government departments, Quasi-governmental entities and Trusts.

10.6. Address for service

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.1. Introduction

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.2. Amendment of an application for a registration of a trade mark - general information

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.7. Changes of name, address and address for service

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

Part 9. Landing Page

Rename to Landing page, add published date and Act/Reg links.

9.3. Amendment before particulars of an application are published (Section 64)

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.8. Process for amendments under subsection 63(1)

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.5. Amendments to other documents

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

9.6. Amendments after registration

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links, remove outdated case law references re substantial identity.

29.7.Phonewords and Phone Numbers

Removed publication date

11. Landing Page

Rename to Landing Page, add publish date and links.

11.3. Examination of applications claiming convention priority

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

11.6. Recording the claim

Turn off publish date, add Act/Reg links.

29.10. Claims to Indigenous origin

Removed publication date

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