Welcome to the new version of the Patents Manual. Please note there are changes to the numbering and sequence of the chapters and pages in the manual. You are encouraged to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with this new structure.

2.3 Determining Changes to the Manual

Date Published


The key principles and practices that are set out in the Manual have been developed over time and were created by taking into consideration the interpretation of Patents Act and Regulations by relevant authorities.

Before implementing significant changes to practices and procedures, IP Australia generally conducts internal consultation and, when appropriate, engages in external consultation with relevant stakeholders.

This section provides a broad overview of the types of information taken into consideration in the development of our practice and procedures to ensure effective administration of the patent system as well as providing consistency for our stakeholders.

Sources of Change

The practices and procedures outlined in the manual are determined with regard to a variety of sources that directly impact the interpretation of the Patents Act, the Patents Regulations and their application.

Sources that may have a direct impact on practices and procedures include:

  • Changes to the legislation
  • Court decisions
  • Decisions of the ART
  • Hearing decisions
  • Changes in treaties to which IP Australia is a party e.g. the PCT
  • Entry into free trade agreements
  • Legal advice
  • Improvements to digital services
  • Recommendations from one or more IP Australia sub-committees
  • External reviews initiated by Government​​​​​
  • Feedback from external stakeholders
  • Staff feedback (through Improve@IP)

Changes to the Interpretation and Application of Legislation

Court decisions that change how IP Australia interprets and applies the law are identified by Patent Oppositions & Hearings (POH). POH will make the decision when considering changes whether to consult the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) before working with QEP to ensure that the relevant Manual pages are updated accordingly. External consultation about these decisions and any respective changes can be driven either by PEG or POH as necessary.

Changes to Examination Processes

Changes to patent examination processes or procedures can result from internal decisions, or external factors. These changes may require the significant alteration of existing Manual content or the creation of new content. Where necessary, IP Australia may consult with other stakeholders e.g. Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys (IPTA) and other industry bodies concerning any substantive changes to office practice.

Continuous Improvements

IP Australia continuously reviews the Manual in order to increase the accessibility and usability of the Manual.  Changes made as part of this continuous improvement process include the clarification of language relating existing practices and processes without altering them, consolidation of related information to reduce unnecessary duplication, maintenance of links to external content such as Acts, Regulations and treaties (e.g. PCT).

Changes to Manual Websites

These changes are changes to the websites involving the addition or alteration of the features of the sites of either the internal-facing or external-facing versions of the manual.

Effects of Appeals on Practice and Procedure

Appeals against decision of the Courts or the Commissioner can create uncertainty regarding practices and procedures. 

While an appeal is pending, examiners should consult with their supervisor and Patent Oppositions & Hearings (POH) to ensure that the appropriate practice is implemented. In most cases, unless a decision is made to execute a change to examination processes or procedures, current practice should be followed.

The decision to implement an interim practice, and development thereof, will be driven by POH in consultation with OLC and subject matter experts as required. Any necessary communications to relevant internal or external stakeholders will be driven by POH in collaboration with the Business Operations Team (BOT) or the Corporate Communications Team respectively.

Suggesting Improvements or Changes to the Manual

Staff can put forward suggestions for changes to the Manual through Improve@IP. Examiners should discuss the proposed improvement with their senior and/or supervising examiner before raising an Improve@IP item.

Users outside of IP Australia and external stakeholders are able to suggest continuous improvement items through the “feedback” option at the bottom of each of the pages of the external-facing version of the Manual.

When raising an Improve@IP item, all users should provide information regarding:

  • Which pages the improvement item is linked to,
  • An explanation of why the improvement item is deemed necessary.
  • Proposed details of any changes suggested to be made, such as:
    • Any changes to phrasing or wording, and reasoning as to why the change should be implemented
    • Any URLs needing to be updated, and if possible, providing a correction

If the change is deemed urgent, this should be noted on the Improve@IP item and QEP should be notified so that the item can be actioned as soon as possible.

All proposed changes submitted via Improve@IP are initially reviewed by QEP. QEP then consults with the relevant business groups (e.g. PEG, POH, OLC or a subset thereof) regarding any proposed changes before they are actioned. The business groups involved in consultation are approached on a case-by-case basis depending on the proposed change.

Any internal or external feedback received in relation to the Manual will be logged as Improve@IP items by QEP for prioritisation and respective actioning as deemed necessary by POH and PEG.

Amended Reasons

Amended Reason Date Amended

Merged content from previous pages 2.3 and 2.4 to better define change process content

Page updated to reflect the change of the AAT to ART

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