Welcome to the new version of the Patents Manual. Please note there are changes to the numbering and sequence of the chapters and pages in the manual. You are encouraged to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with this new structure. Amendment of the Parent

Date Published

Amendments are no longer an Improvement or Modification

Where a request is made under s104 to amend the specification of an accepted parent application or the parent patent, examiners must check whether the claims of the additional can continue to be regarded as an improvement in, or modification of, the main invention in the amended parent. Where the additional can no longer be considered to meet this requirement, the case should be referred to the Assistant General Manager (Oppositions) via a supervising examiner.

Similar considerations apply where a request is made under s104 to amend the specification of an accepted application for a patent of addition or a granted patent of addition.

Amended Reasons

Amended Reason Date Amended

Published for testing

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