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Date Published

Key Legislation:

Patents Act:

  • s43A Preliminary search and opinion​​​​​​​
  • s45 Examination

On this page


Under s43A, the Commissioner may conduct a preliminary search and opinion (PSO) on a complete application for a standard patent filed on or after 15 April 2013. ​​​In practice, a PSO will only be conducted where requested by the applicant (applicant requested PSO).

A PSO is a report on the main (but not all) grounds of objection that apply under s45. However, examiners should note that the PSO is not intended to be a final or binding determination of the validity of the application and does not replace the usual examination processes.

Applicant Requested PSO

An applicant may request a PSO at any time before the filing of a request for standard examination. 

The PSO Practice Officer (Supervising Examiner of ELEC 1) will contact the applicant and advise that a PSO will not be carried out in the circumstance where the PSO request is filed:

  • with a request for examination; or
  • after examination has already been requested.


A fee is payable at the time of filing the PSO request.

Where the fee is not paid, CEG will send a letter to the applicant indicating that the request will not be acted upon due to non-payment of the fee.  An invitation to pay the fee will not be issued and the application will not lapse as a result of failure to pay the fee. Where the applicant wishes to proceed with the PSO, a new request will have to be filed, together with the fee.​​​​​​​

Where the fee is paid but the PSO cannot be carried out, the fee will be refunded.

Amended Reasons

Amended Reason Date Amended

Published for testing

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