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This site may be unavailable on Friday 17 January between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm (AEDT) due to maintenance. Allocation of C-Sets to a Document

Date Published

Application of C-Sets is obligatory in the subclasses authorised for C-Sets if it is applicable to the document.

By default, when allocating a C-Set, the base symbol is also allocated as a single symbol having the same information value (INV or ADD).

While C-Sets classification is used for classifying some combined technical features, CPC single symbols may be allocated in conjunction with the C-Sets in order to classify any other technical information of interest. The classification picture for a patent family will consist of as many C-Sets as needed to classify all relevant technical features, in addition to single CPC allocations, either INV-type or ADD-type, as specified in the appropriate classification definitions, in order to classify any technical information of interest.

Selection of CPC symbols that are to be incorporated into a C-Set should follow CPC scheme and definitions. The specific C-Sets rule is placed in the section labelled “Special rules of classification” in the definitions. It’s very important to select the base and subsequent symbols from the allowed groups as indicated in the specific C-Sets rules in the definitions. When selecting the base and subsequent symbols for a C-set construction, applicable limiting and/or precedence references should be taken into consideration.

It should also be noted in the definitions that some orthogonal indexing codes that are used only as subsequent symbols in C-Sets, should not be allocated as CPC single symbols.

Example: A01N2300/00 is used in a C-Set only, but not allowed to be allocated as a single symbol.

Amended Reasons

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