Welcome to the new version of the Patents Manual. Please note there are changes to the numbering and sequence of the chapters and pages in the manual. You are encouraged to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with this new structure. C-Sets Syntax Rules

Date Published

Since C-Sets rules are customarily specific to the different technical areas, they vary greatly due to different technical features.

In certain areas, for example, duplicate symbols are allowed in a C-Set, e.g. to reflect the multiple occurrences of a process step corresponding to the repeated CPC symbol.

In other areas, the C-Sets should have exactly one subsequent symbol, e.g. for indicating the combination of a process with a product.

In yet other areas, the C-Sets may have more than one subsequent symbol. In these areas, the order of the symbols may disclose a technical relevance (e.g. B22F2998/10: specific ordered sequence of operations in a multi-step process), or the symbols may be arranged in alphanumerical order (e.g. class C05: specific mixture of compounds in fertilisers).

A CPC patent family may have as many C-Sets as needed to classify all relevant technical features. In addition, further CPC single symbols may be allocated in conjunction with the C-Sets in order to classify any features of interest.

The CPC Definitions provide the C-Sets syntax rules, which are detailed instructions for how to construct C-Sets in the specific technical areas, e.g. to specify the number of symbols in a C-Set; whether duplicate symbols and breakdown codes are allowed or not; the relevance of the order in the string of symbols; and any other special rule relevant for the C-Sets in question.

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