Welcome to the new version of the Patents Manual. Please note there are changes to the numbering and sequence of the chapters and pages in the manual. You are encouraged to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with this new structure. Invention Information and Additional Information

Date Published

There are two types of technical information worth classifying: invention information and additional information:

Mechanical example

  • Problem to be solved: there is a need for a sealing strip specifically for corners
  • Invention information: Sealing strip which is easily adapted to different corners
  • The addition to the prior art seems to come from the sealing strip that can be used in corners. Therefore the Invention Information is identified as above.
  • Additional information: the sealing strip is made of silicone incorporating titanium beads
  • In this case, a classifier may decide that it is worth classifying this information because according to the knowledge and assessment of the classifier, this might be a particular choice of material and it is worth planting a flag to assist future searchers.

Chemical example

  • Problem to be solved: there is a need for drugs suitable for treating solid tumours
  • Invention information: A method of treating solid tumors via the administration of the anti-angiogenic drug Thalidomide
  • The use of the drug Thalidomide in the treatment of solid tumors is an addition to the state of the art and is worth the grant of a patent
  • Additional information: The anti-angiogenic drug is the well-known compound Thalidomide
  • In this case Thalidomide is well known, however, it is worth classifying this information as this is a particular choice of drug that may be useful in searching

Electrical example

  • Problem to be solved: there is a need for improving sensitivity of motion sensor via using a less rigid piezoelectric crystal
  • Invention information: A sensor device for sensing motion, based on bending of a flexible piezoelectric material
  • The addition to the prior art seems to come from the use of a flexible piezoelectric material, and on the operation thereof which is based on the bending of the sensing unit. Therefore the Invention Information is identified as above.
  • Additional information: The piezoelectric material is polyvinylidene fluoride
  • It can be worth classifying the type of piezoelectric material used (polyvinylidene fluoride) and the application of such sensing device (i.e., on bicycles, skis, automobiles) as additional information. This additional information would be used if it was felt that it would help another examiner find this information.  However, classification of additional information depends largely on the classifier’s assessment at the time. If such information is considered useful for future searchers, it is worth classifying, however if it is considered common general knowledge in the art, it should not be classified.

Amended Reasons

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