Welcome to the new version of the Patents Manual. Please note there are changes to the numbering and sequence of the chapters and pages in the manual. You are encouraged to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with this new structure.

Recent updates

Item amended Date Amended Amended Reason Report Dispatch, Correction of Report etc.

Page renumbered and updated due to insertion of new Amendment or Correction of Sequence Listings

Amended text to provide additional clarity regarding sequence listings filed on physical media that form part of the specification. Further Report Considerations

Page renumbered and updated due to insertion of new Requirements for amino acid and nucleotide sequences

Changed Patent Formalities Determination (s16) to the correct section s17 referring to amino acid and nucleotide sequences. 'Comprises', 'includes', 'consists of', and 'contains' in claims

Broken link to Atlas Powder Co. v ICI Australia Operations Pty Ltd and Ireco Chemicals (1989) AIPC 90-587 corrected. Convention applications

Page renumbered and updated due to insertion of new Computer Implemented Inventions, Mere Schemes, and Business Methods

Additional discussion added regarding various APO decisions in relation to MOM Form of proposed amendments (statement of proposed amendments)

Links corrected to refer to formalities determination 2022 and s5.3.1.2 of the MPP

6.2.1 Procedural Outline - International Type Search

Link to Annexure E updated to refer to latest version

7.14 Appeals; ART and Judicial Review; Other Court Actions Involving the Commissioner; Section 105 Amendments

changed AAT to ART in title and link

2.3 How our Practices and Procedures are Determined

Page updated to reflect the change of the AAT to ART

7.14.2 Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) Review

Page updated to reflect replacement of Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to Administrative Review Tribunal (ART)

3.3.4 Communicating with the Applicant and Third Parties

dialling instructions for New Zealand updated due to change to MS teams telephony 

6.2.5 Subjects to be Excluded from the Search

Page updated as to amount of refund allowable for non-establishment of Art15(5) search.

Annex S - Refund of Search Fees

Page updated as to amount of refund allowable for excluded or unsearchable matter

7.9.5 Exemplary Situations in Awarding Costs

Page updated to include information relating to the changes in the scale of costs awardable under Schedule 8 in effect from 1 October 2024. Hearing Fee

Page updated to include note regarding increase in hearing fee in effect as of 1 October 2024

7.9.3 Awarding Costs, Taxation

Page updated to include information relating to the changes in the scale of costs awardable under Schedule 8 in effect from 1 October 2024.

7.9.2 Scale of Costs, Variation of the Scale

Page updated to include information relating to the changes in the scale of costs awardable under Schedule 8 in effect from 1 October 2024.

5.6.7 Full Disclosure, Sufficiency, Clarity and Support (s40 Considerations)

Page title updated to accurately reflect content covered in chapter 5.6.7

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